The advice I would give myself is take a tour of the college to know how the college life is being run, participate in many activities that they have available ex. Honors or Clubs, start looking for scholorships that will help support me, start filling out financial aid information that will also help support my family and me; and most of all take good notes when I'm in class or ask questions more often in what I don't understand or can't solve problems .
The hardest thing I have learned now that I am in College is how expensive school is. I live with my parents and just because they both work and I don't have a baby or married, my bother and I don't qualify for any financial aid. I see how my parents are struggling to pay for our tuition because they don't won't us to get any loans out so when we do finish school we won't own anyone. My dad also has taken a side job as a roofer and seeing him work all week long plus also on the weekends just to pay for our tuition is a big motivation to do my best in school. If I could go back as a senior, the number one thing i would have done is tried harder in school to maintain better grades so I could have received scholarships and help pay for my education. I know I can't go back only forwards so I am going to try to make my parents proud of me by finishing school and one day pay they back for everything they have done for me.
I would advise myself to go to college right after highschool while the math is still fresh in your mind. I would say " Carmen, apply yourself to your studies and wait on the fun, marriage, kids and so forth. I would also advise Carmen to do good in Highschool, it matters as fars as scholarships go. College is expensive, get involved in leadership activities and volunteer services. Study first then conquer the world. All your dreams can come true but you must be willing to do all the work yourself. Miracles don't just happen. I would advise that the transition is easier if done right from highschool vs waiting a couple of years. Oh, and Carmen there is just one more thing. Good Luck and enjoy yourself!
If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advice myself to be realistic about the financial aspect of attending college, in particular a four year university. I had intended on attending a four year university after graduating high school, but did not truly take in account for the expenses that would come with that opportunity. I would tell myself to apply to every scholarship available, even those that I may not believe I have done enough to achieve. Because of my financial situation, I had to take one year off from school before applying to El Paso Community College. Looking on my past I would tell myself that just because I could not afford to attend a university, does not mean I cannot still get a proper education, and participate in different activities offered at the community college. If I could speak with the high school senior version of myself, I would emphasize the importance of having a set plan including goals as to what I want and need to do in order to be successful in my college career.
As a high school senior, I did the best I could in preparing for my college transition. I searched for scholarships and grants in order to receive financial help, but became discouraged after so many rejection letters. I was always a good student and even graduated under the distinguished plan, but something kept me from standing out. The lack of financial help convinced me to attend El Paso Community College. Even then, I was never one of the lucky ones to be awarded the Pell Grant. I have been utilizing emergency loans in order to pay of my tuition every semester and have continued to work in order to afford my books. I am now transferring to an accredited four-year university and find myself at the same position I was at three years ago. If I could go back in time, I would advise myself to become more involved in school! As I sit for hours in front of my laptop searching for scholarships, I notice that almost every scholarship I come across focuses on volunteer experience and school activities. Unfortunately, participating in my high school orchestra and swimming team wasn't enough.
Take it seriously. This is completely worth the effort, because after all you are doing it for you. A college education is a lifelong gift you give yourself. Study, read and enjoy the diversity of campus life. Believe in yourself, you will find out that you're smarter than you think and have been told. Don't believe anything that has been said of you, you will find out they are all completely wrong. You're smart, you can reason your way around everything and don't you dare think others are smarter than you, later you will find out they're just winging it and are good salesmen. Trust yourself. Invest in yourself. Do your absolute best, it will give you such a shot in the arm. You have everything you need inside of yourself, go for the gold kid, you'll get it!!
Keep doing what your doing. Focus on your goals, keep pushing yourself, and DO NOT slack.
The first thing I want to tell you, Claudia, is not to work a full-time job. It takes you away from school too much. Try and live on campus so you can experience college life. Follow your dream of studying architecture. The way to do this is apply for al scholarships that you can so you don't have to work. Put in your all on all the projects you work on. Also apply for internships so when you graduate from college you have some experience in your field.
If I could go back in time to talk to myself I would say, take more advantage of the free knowledge given to you as a high school student. Professors are not mean and strict as many people say they are but you are responsible for your own work. You should spend a good amount of time studying for your classes, preferably two hours per class or more. Always do your best when it comes to any assignment because that reflects on what kind of a person you are. Don?t every try to just pass a class aim for the highest grade possible. It will be difficult at times but as long as you concentrate and focus on your goals you will be able to overcome any obstacle.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition I would tell myself its a hard journey but not to give up on your dreams. There is no reason for you to leave mom and your sis by going into the navy because they will only send you back.You have already lived through a lot and college is nothing but another hurdle in your way. Nobody believes you can make it out there in the college life but you will get in and be the first in your family to go to school. The doctor told you that you would never walk agian and what did you do? You tried to walk on your own with no help or support and enduring the pain you did it.There is a lot of money out there just go to the library and fill out every possible form of financial aid help to pay for school. It is possible to go to school no matter how difficult it looks I believe in you, I believe in myself!