The best class I have taken if German 121. It was taught by the best professor I have had in any class for any reason. He knew what it took to make us able to speak, read, write, and understand basic German, which most college students are too afraid to take. Most students think they are taking an easy way out by sticking to what they took in high school, but very likely in high school they only learned to either read/write or speak their language, but not both. After 2 semesters of German with Dr. Windham, I could speak German better than most of my friends in upper level spanish could speak spanish, because i got to learn with the good methods from day one.
I am a political science major so my experience is fairly limited, but we have a amazing department. I just finished writing a 100 page research paper (voluntary). The faculty are really leaders in the field and love talking to students in their office or out of class. It is not uncommon that by senior year you will be on a first name basis.
Can't explain how much they help getting you ready for grad school or work. I got a job at the Pentagon thanks to their effort. I owe they alot, but I also put alot of effot into their classes. You will have to work, but you will definately come out with a first class education that can rival almost any other school. And class least for political science are about 15-8.
All of my professors have known my name. My favorite class was a history course on the U.S. Early National Period. My professor was extremely well informed and got everyone excited about the topic. I also did some research with him outside of class and feel that I would not have gotten that opportunity anywhere but Elon. Class participation is common because the class sizes are small. Professors are great about listening to students' wants and needs and often will tailor the nature of the class to student feedback. Elon offers lots of unique classes, especially over Winter Term. Many students choose to study abroad during the 3-week January semester, but there are lots of interesting classes offered on campus, as well. Harry Potter, NASCAR, Disney, and The Beatles are just a few of the topics. I'm an education major and Elon has the best program. Right off the bat I was spending time in the classroom gaining experience in the field. I have heard alum come back and say that Elon prepared them extremely well for their first year of teaching. A lot of the education at Elon is geared towards getting a job, but I think that depends on your major. I feel that Elon's academic requirements allow students to get a broad, liberal college education as well as an in-depth focus within a major before graduation. I feel as though my classes have been fairly easy in my time here, but I know that there are more challenging classes offered for those who have time and want to make the effort.
Classes are small and wonderful- the professors truly do know our names and want to help. My favorite class so far has been a special topics class, French Social Criticism Thru Humor. We learn about different types of humor and how important social issues are expressed through laughter. Also, the freshmen required seminar, The Global Experience, it a wonderful class. Students are exposed to "the big picture" and how to be a global citizen in the Elon environment. Learning for learning's sake is a huge part of academics, especially in social sciences, like anthropology or religion.
Most classes are capped at 33 (or less) so your professors are almost certainly going to know your name. The work load can really build up at times with tons of papers and projects, but I feel like its manageable with extremely good time management skills.
I would highly suggest the Poli Sci department here, we have a lot of rare opportunities including working the Elon Poll, tons of internships, and the ability to go to the Democratic/Republican National Convention.
As always, depending upon the student's major, acadmics could be very different from student to student. Elon emphasizes faculty and student interaction, which in most cases, is definitely a positive factor. Professors know everyone by name and are extremely accessible, whether during their office hours, scheduling personal appointments, communicating by email, or even calling them on their cell phones. A great way to form a relationship with a professor is by studying abroad during winter term, where students usually get close to two faculty members during their 3-4 week adventure.
In many, if not all, schools at Elon, there are strict attendence policies. Most classes allow only 2 absences, unlike large universities. Students would agree that while this seems like a downfall at times, you really do feel like you missed something by not attending class and the faculty definitely takes notice when you're not there. Most classes also require participation, alotting several points of a student's grade for class participation. Once again, it depends on the class, but most Elon students are very eager to speak their opinions during class.
Most Elon students hit the books quite often. Belk Library is a great resource, offering students the option of using the Writing Center and Tutoring Center. Academics don't consume an Elon student, but obviously play a big role in the student's life. The current trend is that students are becoming more and more competitive each year as it becomes more difficult to be accepted into Elon.
Elon could definitely modify their academic requirements, however many of their liberal arts requirements have forced me to take a class way outside of my major and actually enjoy it. As a student progresses into senior year, most classes are definitely geared toward one's major. Most, if not all majors, have a Senior Seminar class, which is an entire semester devoted to one's major and how it applies to the real world. This is known as a "CAP" or "Culminative Project" for every senior.
professors generally know your name. some students always study others never study it depends on major and how good you want to do in school. the soc department is awesome, very politically/intellectually aware/active. i do not spend time with professors outside of class.