Elon University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Elon University?


Elon Country Club rich, white, preppy, spoiled, elite, northerners lots of drinking, tons of girls


Everybody thinks Elon students are all wealthy, northern prepsters who come to the school to experience the warm weather and beautiful campus. Elon girls are sweet, clean, pretty, and love to have a good time. Elon boys are confident, "southern gentlemen" (even if they're northern), and attractive. Elon students are smart about working the system.


Preppy and that we are a party school


The stereotypes surrounding Elon students include rich/good-looking/nice cars/affiliated with greek life. A sterotype concerning Elon in general would be that the atmosphere is set in a "country club bubble."


rich, white, stuck-up, drink too much, greek