Elon University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Elon University?


People who like a small town, and who love to get involved with student organizations. Also those who like to volunteer.


Someone who is fun, preppy, pretty and outgoing. Likes to study and have fun equal amounts. Knows when to be serious and how to be involved in everything he or she wants out of college.


You need to be academically focused and willing to work hard.


Someone who is willing to work hard and is interested in legitimately learning and engaging in class discussions.


a person who wants a small school, with a beautiful brick layout


socialite in easy major


Someone who wants to be successful and is committed to their education. There is a lot of opportunity given to students here, whether it be undergraduate research opportunites or one of our many Fellowship programs, there are so many ways to step outside the norm and do something great. That being said, the social life at Elon is great so for people who want to make great friends and have fun on the weekends, Elon is perfect.


I believe any student attending this university should be open-minded and considerate of Elon's surrounding community. I also believe that they should be prepared to be challenged by all of their professors, as the faculty here makes it their main priority to challenge students and to get them to look at the world in a different light, considering the world is much greater than just our tiny university.


The person must want to learn and have a desire to absorb information. As I like to put it, they must be willing to become a sponge. In and out of the classroom students are always learning and engaging in valuable experiences. The student must be willing to work hard and be independent. Students who enjoy a party will also like attended Elon. We party hard on the weekends, but we work equally hard in the classroom.