Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach Top Questions

What should every freshman at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach know before they start?


Definately enjoy your life but do not forget about school, education, because that is the reason why you go to school


Career oriented is nice, but you miss out on the college experience. But I will do my dream job!


Potential students need to research the degree progams that interest themthe most. Once they have a list of a few majors, they need to pick the one that they know they will enjoy. Picking a degree that the student will enjoy makes college much more enjoyable and less stressful. Parents should talk to their kids about their experiences in college, if they attended one, and what they can expect while at school. Another way to help the student choose a school is to visit at least the prospective student's top choice school. This will help the student get a feel for the campus and how things run on campus.


Pick a school that is right for you. If you want a big school go to a big school because when you are stuck at a small one it is just tourcher. If you love sports make sure the school has good ones. Sitting home on saturdays rooting on other schools because your school doesn't have one is terrible. You will know the school is right for you when you visit it. Always apply to a reach/dream school because you never know even if they don't have the major you want because you are more than likely to change your major anyway. Don't get stuck somewhere for your major rather than the school its self.


I would advise students to think carefully about what they want to do after college and make sure that they are willing to work hard for what they really truly want. I would also say try to talk to students on campus who don't work for the school so you can really find out what the school is like. Even if the school is not everything you thought it would be, try to make friends with people in your classes so they can help you and can hang out with you to take your mind of school. Also, do not be afraid to ask teachers for help, even if they do not seem helpful keep going back until you get the help you need and deserve!


College is a place to learn about yourself. If it is possible go to a school away from home. College is all about being involved and trying new things. When it comes to deciding where to go to college, pick a school that will alow you to grow as much as possible.




I think that the best way to get a feel for a college is to talk to a variety of students who go there. After taking a tour, walk around the campus and talk to people hanging out. Talking to just the students who show up to tours and presentations doesn't give a good picture of the overall student population or college experience. Once you start at the school, it is a good idea to get involved on campus. Student jobs and joining clubs really helps to get involved because you are more exposed to the campus structure. A lot of the jobs on campus help new students learn responsibility and organization skills. They also generate references for jobs and internships. Campus employers also encourage the students to study and do well in classes.


I would love to tell parents and students not to stress over finding "the right fit." The student will generally be happy wherever they end up, and if not, transfering is becoming more and more common. Take it all in, and make the best of any situation.


College is a challenging experience academically, physically, mentally, and socially for everyone. Unfortunatly, its impossible to predict what will happen throughout your college career (such as changing your major, switching schools, joining ROTC, etc). The best route to take when choosing a college is to create a list of what you are looking for in a school and try to find a school that best fits what you want. This is difficult; it is very hard to tell what a school is really like just from a "college visit". The most important things to take into account when choosing a college are the type of school (very political, career-oriented, community college), its size and location, whether the degrees are specific and mapped out for all four (or five) years or if general education classes are mainly taken the first couple years , its demographics, the cost of tuition, types of housing and cost, and the area surrounding the campus. If you set yourself up for success, it will come easily. Two main keys to success during your first year are to stay focused academically and to get involved on campus. You control your college experience; make the most of it.