Emerson is not a party school. That being said, a majority of students party every weekend. Without a campus most people head to Allston on the weekends for house or frat parties. Our school has one well known frat, a sorority that is gaining popularity, and a fratority that is not well known. Greek life is not huge here. Neither are athletics. We have a popular lacross team, an ignored basketball team, and a mysterious tennis team. Who knows what else?
I have no social life.
That said, everyone smokes pot.
eagle our version of gsa is ok. sports arent popular but the games are fun to go to. lots of people in tv/video/photography can be seen recording or taking pictures. guitars are rather popular. whether or not students leave their dorm doors open various every year with every floor. we dont really get too many guest speakers but we have some pretty cool alumni if you knwo anything about movies or tv. dating is easy but again, everyone knows your business. allston parties are popular and an easy place to meet people. (20 min t-ride) lots of people are night owls here, you wont often be bored. being drunk onthe t is always an adventure. certain people party every night, some confine it to weekends, some to special occaision, some not at all. depends on the crowd. frats and sororities are kind of a joke but the frats can throw a mean party. so can the baseball team. not much to do if youre underage, at least not legally although the parties can be fun without a drink. its very easy to immediately find something to do off campus because emerson is right near EVERYTHING.
Sports are pretty much non-existent. No one pays attention to our few sports teams and there are very few intramural sports. However, no one goes to Emerson for sports so really who cares.
Lots of kids go on film shoots on the weekends, and not just the film majors. There are lots of different theater clubs, comedy troupes, publications (newspaper, magazines), radio shows, religious groups, political groups, and pretty much anything else you want. Recently a bunch of us started a Quidditch group that we're trying to make into a club sport. I know some student athletes, and while Emerson isn't known for its sports, they actually did really well this year in Div III. There are plenty of parties, mostly off campus at peoples' apartments since most kids live off campus past freshman year, but if you don't party, they're easy to avoid. There are always events and speakers and shows to attend on campus as well, a lot of them for free, which is nice.
I love CPLA is is incredible legitimate and it has led me to meet contacts from the State Dept., E.P.A., and other various powerful organizations. Athletic events might as well be nonexistent, there are always performances to go to. Dorms are pretty friendly. I met my boyfriend at a party after a few months of checking each other out in class. In general, there isn't a lot of dating though, students are more inclined to be pretty egocentric. People party pretty hard, smoke a lot of weed, but there are few big parties. First semester freshman year, you will be unlikely to know people with apartments that throw better parties, and might find yourself bored at a few house parties in Allston. Last weekend I went to a poetry slam party where my friends hip hop band played in Jamaica Plane.
Parties tend to be more small hang outs at people appartments or in dorm rooms. Due to the size of Emerson there are rarely huge parties (100+ students) but on any given weekend you can find at least 3 parties to go to and have a good time. Athletic events as I said earlier are kind of a joke but those who do go enjoy them a lot. Theater is also very well respected and enjoyed.
There are a great deal of groups/organizations/clubs on campus, and if there isn't a group already in place, Emerson encourages students to start their own. Personally, I started an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting on campus. Athletic events are not popular whatsoever here at Emerson.
Students are very comfortable with one another. Relationships are bound to happen. I know I was involved with a great girl the second week of Freshman year, and am still with her now. Finding friends is very easy because people are always open to new experiences/new people. You will always find someone who does exactly what you do.
Most of us Emerson students are up til 3 in the morning, working or going outside and smoking cigarettes. NYP, or New York Pizza, is down the street and is open til 2, sometimes 3 in the morning, so that becomes the Emerson hangout sometimes.
The most popular organization is the EVVY Awards.
A lot of people, especially in Piano Row, leave their suite common room door's propped open, or tape over the lock.
Theater is pretty popular, more than guest speakers and athletic events combined. The most attended events are comedy troupe shows.
I met one of my closest friends through another good friend, one through a sitcom, and another through another sitcom with the second friend. All my good friends last year were pretty much my neighbors.
2am on a Tuesday I'm watching a movie or television show on DVD.
People party every weekend or night they don't have classes the next morning. It's not necessarily a party school, but you can go a few T-stops and find some party going on in Boston: College Town USA.
I know a bunch of people in fraternities, but there are only six or seven in the college.
Emerson is in a great location for having a social life. Besides the many student produced plays going on constantly, which are always fun to go watch, there are professional theaters in the few blocks surrounding the school, including our own Cutler Majestic Theater, a movie theater one block away, and easy access to many clubs, theaters, and events via the T (what Boston people call the subway). One thing Emerson does not have much of is a traditional campus party scene, both because we don't have a traditional campus in any sense of the word, and because frats and sororities are not common. If a student wants that scene, there are always parties at other schools, such as BU, which is only a few T stops away. Students here don't always need to party to have fun though. There is always someone in the Common Rooms in the dorms playing games or watching television, and student activities are endless. I've found it really hard NOT to be involved in the school community.