Emerson College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Emerson College?


That it's a place for the eccentric, and that all the men are gay.


We're a bunch of hipsters that talk way too much about postmodernism and think we know everything about film/radio/literature/what have you. Oh, and EVERYONE smokes.


Hipsters, artsy snobs.


Emerson: Amazing, a landmark, expensive. Students:Very emo type of college kids, rich, smart, passionate, very communicatively and entertainment driven.


The major stereotype is that Emerson students are the "outcasts" who don't fit into your usual jock/prep/nerd categories. Emerson students are said to be very liberal, with a large portion of gay students, potsmokers, musicians, and students with odd hair and dress. Also, Emerson students are typically more creative than math-inclined.


When I've told people I go to Emerson I get this response "Oh, so you go to school with the different people" or they just give me a look as if they automatically know what type of person I am and back away slowly, meaning that I'm loud, visually expressive in my wardrobe and persona, and create drama whenever possible.


People think that Emerson has a high percentage of gay students, or that Emerson is only for artsy students, that all Emerson students are scene and smoke.


Everyone is Gay."gay by May or your money back" is a popular phrase. Everyone smokes cigarettes. Everyone smokes pot. It is filled with pretentious hipsters.


They're all gay, They all smoke, They are all pretentious.


I think Emerson students are stereotyped as being overly artsy, in a negative and pretentious way.