Emerson College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Emerson College know before they start?


It is important that both student and partents work together to select a college that give sthe best fit . In today's economy , money is tight and a student needs to get the best education possible while being fiscally practical. Yesterday's rules about college are gone. Students will have to be creative when financing their eduaction. They may have to take time off and work in order to complete school. Yet depite the obstacles, continuing higher education is vital. Reseach schools that are reasonably priced on the internet, talk to friends about their experiences, and work with your college concelors to help you find the right place. I don't believe that there is only one right school for a student to attend. I believe you have to keep an open mind to many different possibilities and create your world around what presents itself to you. While you at at college, make the most of every day. Get out of your safety zone and meet people. DIscover new interests. Be open to meeting diverse people. Expand your world. This does not cost a cent. It is what life gives free to those smart enough to partake.


In applying for colleges, and doing academic work, it is crucial to establish steady work habits for yourself. The environment you'll be living in will offer many opportunities for fun. Yet, taking time to struggle with the challenges you've chosen will be rewarding, and will make life richer. Observe what things you have a real passion for, and commit to achieving something that you personally think is beautiful or worthwhile in those areas. I stress the importance of finding inspiring professors. Talk to alumni and find professor ratings to make sure that the men and women that are going to be teaching you will be able to impart some real knowledge. I've found that the classes I really excel in have a teacher that became a real mentor for me, and that is invaluable. Throughout our lives, our ideas and passion for learning are shaped by figures that inspire us to think freely and creatively about our passions. These people are worth any amount of tuition.


Don't get stuck on one school, there are tons out there that can be compatible with you.


Start looking early. Talk with students who are in the major of study you want to pursue. Ask them for the good and the bad. If they don't tell you anything bad, find someone who will. Every school has its negatives. What is key is knowing what those negatives are and comparing them to the negatives of the other school(s). What can you tolerate? What is a deal-breaker? Find that out. Request to shadow someone for a day. See everything from the view of an actual student attending there. Once you're enrolled at a school, get involved immediately. It will be the best way to meet new people and make friends. Try something that you've never done before. College is the time to explore and be adventurous. Go to class and be respectful of professors. Not only is it the nice thing to do, it can also mean a better chance of a favorable response if you run into an issue with your schoolwork and need help. Maintain a good reputation for being a good student and being responsible.


I would say to be willing to meet and love new and different types of people. If you aren't willing to do that then you should find a school that has clones of youself, which I do know that they exist. Also, there is not one right college for everyone, it's what you make of the one you are at. College is great! Live it up and don't waste any time worrying about what else you could be doing. Also, make sure to work an appropriate amount while you're at school because you don't want to not be able to do something all your friends are doing do to work, however, you also don't want to not be able to just because you are broke.


For both parents and students, the path to finding the right college and making the most of the college experience lies in taking a close look at both what the student sees themselves doing wit their adult life and what they would enjoy doing. As the saying goes, if you find a job that you like, you were never work a day in your life! Students and parents should look at schools that provide the most opportunities with regards to education in the desired fields. In addition, take a look at the area surrounding any potential school and find out what opportunities exist for work and professional experience as well as what options there are for leisure and cultural enlightenment.


The first college that I attended for my freshman year was not my first choice. I did well there, but it wasn't focused to what I am passionate about, and the setting just wasn't right for me. Transfering to my first choice school was the best thing that I have ever done. It is so important to be in a place that you enjoy and can thrive in, or else the college experience will not be everything you want it to be. So, I suggest that you take the time to research schools and find one that you're enthusiastic about, and if you arn't accepted the first time, keep trying! College isn't just about getting a degree, it's about making the most of an oustanding education and life-changing experience.


Talk to students on campus. I was admitted to my two top schools and I almost made the wrong decision. However, I visited both campuses for a second time, and went out of my way to get to know some of the students. Without a doubt, this cleared up my decision. I knew where I wanted to go because I got along with everyone. They seemed to have the same ambitions as me and enjoyed the same activities. If at all possible, try to stay over at your top schools for a night or two. You will know where to go by the end.


Tour the school before you even consider applying. Also - thanks to social networking (Facebook, MySpace) it is easy to get a hold of already enrolled students. Ask them their opinions (outside of the "tour guide" setting) to get a true feel for the school.


Try to find a balance between what is financially best and a place you really love. Because you don't want to hate your school, but you also don't want to spend every day worrying about money. To make the most of the college experience, get involved in anything and everything. Find your niche by trying different things and don't be afraid to try something new. And remember that college isn't just about studying, it's about finding yourself and learning things that classes can't teach you. I've learned more doing extracurricular programs and studying abroad than I have from books, but at the same time I love the classes I'm taking because they make me think. Balance is important.