I wish I had known which departments were the best in terms of professors.
I wish I talked to more students on campus rather than just taking the tour. Since thecampus is trying to expand it has been accepting more students but it has dropped its overall gpa every year since I have been here. The school website says Boston is our second home but thats only true if you are willing to wheel and deal on your own. The school is great at putting people at mid-level manager jobs when you graduate. If you are looking for the bigger jobs you have to do the leg work on your own.
Something I wish I knew before college is that costs of books and living here in Boston add up quickly. I wish I knew to save more of my money so I didn't have to struggle to pay for basic needs.
Although I knew that Emmanuel was a small school when I applied, I wish I had known how this would effect me as a student. In some ways a small school is satisying in the classroom because there are more opportunities for one on one time with professors, but there are also disadvantages. Due to the small student population, there is less diversity among students. This presents a problem because groups of people are easily segregated and become hesitant to interact with seperate groups.
I wish that I knew the requirements better and what I was exempt from because I ended up taking a class my first semester that I didn't need and it didn't fufill any requirement.
The suites are too small/not enough.
I would have wished to know about different careers, such as nursing. I had never known what a nurse does, and now that I know, I can't believe it took me this long to start the career.
I also wished someone would have forced me to go to a state school, now my loans seem so overwhelming.
I wish I had known more about the language department. How many different languages the school offfered?
I wish that I had a better idea of what I planned to do after college. It really feels like crunch time since I am already halfway through college and JUST realized what I think I would like to do after college (and it isn't in my declared major!)
I really wished that I knew about the lack of marine courses and programs within the Colleges of the Fenway (Simmons, Mass College of Art, Mass College of Pharmacy, Wheelock, Emmanuel, and Wentworth).