Young Lester, you have been adequately prepared for the challenge of college life. Stay focused on the task at hand and go to class. Your study habits are good but if you aren't in class to take proper notes or to ask questions, you will struggle with completing your degree in 4 years. Before you know it, you will have real responsibilities and the goal of finishing your degree will continue to be pushed back until you look up years down the line feeling like there is unfinished business. You value education so don't lose your focus. Don't lose sight of what you started out to do. Use your time wisely, go to class and be the student that you know you are.
Starchild, don't go to college in Wyoming. You have 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} body fat and Wyoming has ten-month winters. Do you really want that? Do you want to put on seven layers of clothing to ride a fixie bike across town to audition for that 80s hair metal cover band whilst resembling the StayPuft Marshmallow Man?
Also, dude, you have narcolepsy. Surprise! Go see a doctor. He'll say it's just depression, but you tell him that future you found out that you are physiologically aroused every 33 seconds while you sleep and you get virtually no NREM sleep. Your options are cocaine or Ritalin, but you don't want to go to jail, so get a prescription.
Also tambien, buy as much Nintendo stock as you can and sell it the night before the 3DS is released. Unless there is a law against insider trading via time travel, then just don't get caught.
If you follow my advice, you will never feed breakfast to Dennis Rader in his cell at the El Dorado Correctional Facility, but it was remarkably uninteresting. However, you can use it as an icebreaker with strangers nevertheless. Tell people he was polite.
As a high school senior I was really ready to get out in the "grown-up" world. But at the same time I was really worried about my transition into college and what college life would be like. There is alot of small little things I worried about. If I were to go back in time I would tell myself to stop worrying about all the small things that don't matter. I would assure myself that I had made the best choice in going to Emporia State University, and that the experience would be the best thing I could imagine. I would also advise myself that the "grown-up" world is not all it is cracked up to be and enjoy the time I had left as a high school senior.
To better prepare students for college, high schools should promote better study and learning habits, present students with more opportunities to experience real world jobs and application, and promote genuine learning and the retention of that learned material. Too often, students enter college and become overwhelmed by the work load that they encounter. They fall victim to copious amounts of stress, leading to anxiety. In addition, upon entering college and beginning the course work, students often change their major. This is because the student’s ideas and expectations for specific classes and majors do not match up with the reality of those classes and majors. Finally, in college, students are expected to not only retain the information that they learn, but also apply it, since the learned material will be essential for their desired career. However, in high-school, class work often become a series of memorization of information that is later forgotten. Until the system is adjusted, the transition will not be easy. Take as many college classes as you can while in high-school, experiance as much as you can, and enjoy those four short years.
Know who are and who you want to become. Take risks and have fun, but remember that every decision has consequences. Think about how the choices you make today affect tomorrow, next year, or twenty years from now. Surround yourself with good people: friends who will better you, challenge you, and encourage you. Surround yourself with people who bring you closer to your dreams, not just people who are looking for a good time. Stand your ground on important issues. The people who made you feel stupid for your ideals will not matter in five years; so don't give them the time of day. Take the time to get to know people, and learn their story. Many people are simply misunderstood. The most unlikely people will become your friends if you are willing to listen, to learn. And don't be afraid to share your story either. Learn to trust people every now and then. Most importantly, learn to trust yourself and know that failing and failure are two completely different things. Get back up. Try again. Work Hard. Believe in others and believe in yourself. You can achieve whatevery you set your mind to.
Stick with school!! It will be worth it in the long run!!
It will be okay that you are not sure what you are wanting to do in life, one day you will decide and accomplish great things. Find the passion you once had for basketball and take it with you to your next team. Start your college career with a clean slate and spend money wisely. Attend all of your classes and dont be afraid to ask questions, otherwise you will fail. In the hardest of your times don't be afraid to ask your parents for help, so your problems do not become worse. People are there for you, you just dont know it yet, especially your family. You will make friends that are going to stab you in the back, but stay positive and put your anger towards you school work, not each other. Most importantly you are going to make mistakes, but used them as learning experience because you do not know what the future has in store for you.
You have a plan, someday you will find it.
Do not be afraid of rejection or embarassment. You have nothing to prove to anyone and if you don't beat those feelings now, you will miss out on everything. Money is not the most important thing right now. It feels good to be stable, but working extra and uneccessary hours will consume you and before you know it you will have missed absolutely everything. Stop looking ahead and appreciate what is now. You can't focus on all of the negative things and put all of your efforts into changing them. If you do this you will look back and wish you could do it over, live in those moments again. Never take friendship for granted and spend more time with your family. Just be a young college student and have fun while you can instead of spending your freedom trying to play grown up. More importantly than all of these things: GO TO CLASS and DO WHAT YOU LOVE! Or you will miss out on expanding your knowledge and hate yourself for not being bold enough to just go for it.
I would tell myself to actually put myself out there way more and join in more organized groups because that's the best way to make friends and get involved.
I would tell myself to not give up when my classes started to get hard. High school isn't all there is to life, and even though we do the best we can college is not the same. I would tell myself to grow up and just ask for help when I got confused. Teachers are there to help us learn, but they are not able to help when you do not ask. I also would tell myself to not worry so much about how shy I was. Instead of worrying about making friends in the future, I would remind myself to spend time with my high school friends. Along with all of this, I would tell myself to enjoy my senior year even more.