Prepare financially because college is very costly. Apply to as many scholarships as possible and find ways to aid you financially through college. I would tell myself to prepare mentally and emotionally. College can be a very stressful time. I would also tell myself to be more organized and well planned, This helps keep your busy colleg life on track and less stressful. Don't try to remember everything because it is close to impossible instead get a planner. Work on time management. College does not only include academics but also being involved in your college community. Lasly stay focused on your goal.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself "it's okay." It's okay to be scared and it's okay to take a leap of faith. I would tell myself to focus and to not let anything around me get in the way of what I want to succeed in. I would tell myself that I, above everyone else, have the power to make my own decisions. I would tell myself to relax before making any big decisions. I would tell myself to never give up and to always consider every option. I would tell myself what I tell myself everyday..."Work hard, be smart and go get 'em."
I would say to START EARLY. I would literally shake myself by the shoulders and scream this in to my own past self's face. DO NOT WAIT. START LOOKING. ONLY GO WHERE YOU TRULY FEEL RIGHT GOING. I would be sure to include that I have transferred twice and that I have attended three colleges. I would also make it very clear that going far away to college is not what makes the experience, but rather, what you make of it does. I assumed the adventure and the college experience would only be valid if I went somewhere far. I was painfully wrong. Past Sam, listen to these words. It could save you a whole semester of horrible experiences.
If I could go back in time and speak to myself as a high school senior with the information I have now about life and college, I would tell myself to be more open. I would tell myself that I can get past the anxiety I felt about college and leaving home. I would want myself to look into more colleges and open my mind to other ideas. I would want to expose myself to more options and not just go with what felt comfortable at the time. I would tell myself to think thoroughly about my decision and not just jump into a school or plan. Lastly, I would tell myself to follow my heart.
The advice I would give myself would be to apply for more scholarships and to become more interactive with my classmates. As a high school senior I didn't apply to many scholarships and now its affecting me as I am going into my college sophmore year. I would tell my high school senior self that scholarships are a great way to pay for school and it would help out in the future. I would also be more interactive with my classmates during high school because now we have all gone our separte ways and rarely see each other. Its good to make friends in your college, but it would be better if I would be able to check up on some high school friends that are attending colleges in other states.
First thing is first, go to bed early! Do not stay up and watch "The Voice", you will not wake up too happy or on time in the morning. Going over your notes everyday is a must. Cramming everything a few days before the test just sets you up for failure. Another important detail to keep in mind is always have breakfast; even if it's just a granola bar. The vending machines don't provide a great and healthy breakfast. If the professor is okay with it, use a recorder. When you listen back on it, you might catch something you missed in class when not paying attention. On that note, always pay attention! Try not to get distracted. Turn off your phone while in class or silence it. Professors get irritated and it's rude. Also it breaks concentration. Just keep these tips in mind and college me will do great.
If I knew then what I know now, I would tell myself a few things. I would say do not be afraid, you may not know a lot and it is a new field, but you are going to school to learn. Visit Aunt Nora May before you leave for college because you will not be able to say goodbye. Be strong when she dies and when Kenny's (my fiance) grandfather dies. Another thing, do not let the guys push you around. Just because you are a female in a male dominant field does not mean you are incapable. Also, when Kenny asks you to marry him, put money aside right away for the wedding. With it only being six months off, money is going to get tight. Plus, when everyone leaves when you start school do not feel so bad about crying. You will cry about once a week over home sickness and the hardships you face. Even when the times look bleak, always have faith and rememebr this is only a small step to your future. Finally, you are going to be fine and you will be amazing!
As a commuter in this College. I would advise my younger self to go out and find a job as well as don't waste money. College life is expensive and money is very important. As a person who has financial issues, I recieve scholarship and grants but that is still not enough. Finding a job and saving money to pay for textbook and tuition that financial aid doesn't cover is something I must consider. The first year of college is pretty relaxed and it is easy, but it gets harder as the courses advances. Except for English, never forget what is learned in high school, a lot of information learned is useful. Last of all. time management is also as important. Being able to manage your time for class, homework and job as well as sleep would be beneficial. Good luck, and have fun.
I would tell myself that there is nothing wrong with a community college. I was so biased when making my decision. The factor of money never came up. I could have saved a lot of money by spending two years in a communty college. I would tell myself exactly how big a role money plays. I had to give up dorming, and I an constantly struggling to try and find loans. I would tell myself to try and stay calm during all the stressful parts and to not bring that stress home to your family. Overall, the senior me would need to understand the true value of a dollar. I question everyday if I will be able to continue going to school, and I wish I had more realistic views before I made my college decision.
I would recommend getting more involved in community activities early on. Join extra curricular activities in HS also. This way, when you get to college you will have no reservations about joining college clubs or groups. They make the transition easier because you get to meet others.