I would say to research any college that has the major you're interested with, look for the acceptance rate and requirements in order to get in the school. Also, research the cost of attendance as well. Other than that, when your in college, even if it's dull or exciting, make sure you can make your own fun and make time for your studies.
Always research your colleges and get your Financial Aid applications done as early as possible. Researching colleges help by showing what they offer as far as activities, sports and academics. You may find a campus with an amazing lifestyle, but it could be only restriced to creative arts. You want to find a happy medium that meets your satisfaction. Find out what kinds of groups or clubs they offer, you'd be surprised on what interesting club may catch your eye. Find out what sports they prefer on campus, for example Farmingdale is big on Lacross and Basketball. Find out what sport you'd prefer to participate in whether its being on the team or cheering in the audience. You also want to see what kind of places surround the campus. Is it a nice town? A beach? Choose your preference. And of course, getting that financial aid sent in early gives you a chance to get more money. If you wait last minute, you'll only wind up with bare minimum or nothing at all. So let's review, research your colleges in depth to find the right experience for you, and apply early for Financial Aid.
I would advise parents and students to make sure you take your time choosing a school. Don't just look at it academically. Make sure it is a campus you will enjoy being at. Make sure it is a college you can realistically afford. Save money! A penny saved is a penny earned. Talk to people who go to the college, or alumni about their overall experience. Websites that rate schools are very helpful. The amount of students in class plays a big role in your overall progress in that class. Your college education is soley in your hands. Every single choice you make is important. Doing well in class is very important, but enjoying yourself is as well. You will meet so many people and peer pressure is worse in college than it ever was in high school. Leave yourself ample time to complete assignments, study, and sleep. Overloading your schedule will only cause you to do poorly. College is the best time of your life. Enjoy it! It really is a great experience.
Make sure the college you look at is an acredited college and when the student graduates in his or her profession they are fully equiped to handle the real world.
Visit the college. Especially pay a visit to the department chairperson for the student's major and possibly get some sample syllabi to get an idea of the workload and expectations of the professors.
Find a school that fits your buget so you can weigh your options.
Ask other people what they seriously think of the school, Check rate my professor before waisting money.
Try to focus on what your interests are. It is very difficult to do something that you do not enjoy. If you are somewhat interested in a specific area, it will enable a person to be more sucessful. By having this interest, you will enjoy your classes, and therefore it will be a little easier, no matter how tough the cass may be.
Make sure your child is comfortable where they are going and to have some sort of idea of what they want to do or else you will be wasting time and money.
Remember class size. Things to do on the weekend.