If I were to go back in time and visit myself as a high school senior, I would tell him to get Full Sail University out of his mind and suggest Kendall. I would explain that Kendall has everything he wants when it comes to learning animation. Also, I would tell him to prepare to spend a lot of money on tuition and supplies, and to enroll early to get the best of financial aid, and to get the best of class scheduling. Finally, after convincing him to go to Kendall, I would tell him if he wants to go for a college that allows him to animate for the rest of his life, then he better want it. I would let his passion for art burn in his heart so he can be more prepared to take on the hefty competition that Kendall displays for their students.
Dear Meagan, don't worry about it too much! I know you are worried, but it's going to be fine. You have to just breathe, make time to do the things you need to do. Also, make sure you get a debit card BEFORE you move out, it will make everything so much easier. And another thing- take your driver's test, that'll help too. But about making friends, you'll do just fine! Everyone is excited to make friends when they go new places, so you won't be left out. Make sure you are ready to make time for all the homework you are going to get, because it gets really intense really fast- you have to be disciplined. You have to know when to sit down and start working, but also remember to get up and eat. One more thing- make sure you call your friends and family. Missing them in silence will just make them think you don't miss them at all. And good luck.
I had the chance to go back to tell my high school self I would tell him to apply for more scholarships while in highschool because those are a little easier to come upon and qualify for.Also I would tell him to search for a job and save his money a little more carefully because he may need a few more dollars while he is in college.
If I could go back in time I would tell myself a lot of things. I would tell myself to find God, because He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I wish I would have found him sooner. I would tell myself to work less and create memories more, it's the friends and family that I miss most. In my high school days I took everything for granted, I now know not too. If I could teach my high school self anything, it would be about the eagle. Eagles are an amazing creature I didn't learn about until college and they offer a great life lesson. When it storms most creatures to hide to take cover, while eagles sore the sky. They rise higher and higher in the storm until they fly above the clouds where the storm is no longer. Life has its storms, and sometimes it seems like the storm will never stop. Instead of hiding myself like I did in high school I now sore through the storms and rise above them. I have a much more positive outlook on life now, I am so blessed to have this life.
When it comes to the most treteruous journey of my life thus far, succesfully completing my first year at college has taken the win. However, I acheived so many accomplishments that the entire journey was worth every moment. If I could tell myself something, it would be this and only this; accept that you are going to find yourself. In highschool, I could have never pictured in my enitre lifespan the amount of growth I gained as an individual. During my first year, I was put in situations where I needed to form my own morals, I needed to be honest with myself, and I needed to be honest with everyone around me because they are all that I have in this quaint, yet action filled town. In my own words, I would simply, casually, and calmly, tell myself that reality will hit hard in once in college, but accepting it and growing from it is key. Knowing what I have come to experience in my first year here, I now know that I can go through anything in life as a happy, independent indivual who can grauduate school and have an easy adjustment to real life after College.
The best advice I could give myself if I were still a senior would be to just have a far more open mind and not feel so pressured into making any lifelong decisions. Before I graduated high school I felt as though everything were over, I had to choose what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, get a degree and have a typical office workplace and lifestyle as I grew up. Attending college has changed every possible outlook I have ever had on life. Listening to some of the most inspiring motivational speakers, meeting inspired older students who had such amazing experiences and stories as they furthered their educations and expertise. I never once saw myself where I am today. I couldn’t be more thankful that I decided to slow down and take some time to figure out what it was that I really wanted to do. I completely switched paths, leaving me terrified and upset that my first year of school wasn’t even applicable to anything I wanted to do. Now, I couldn’t be happier knowing that I’m going to be doing everything I love to do on a daily basis.
If I were able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to get involved in every sport, club, and group that interested me. I would really push and tell myself why it is so important to dual enroll as a senior and to try as hard as I can in my college classes to make sure that all the money that my high school is spending on me to give me this opportunity will benefit me in the best way possible. I would also tell myself to hang out with as many of my friends as opossible throughout senior year and not to worry so much about working all the time, I'll have the rest of my life to work. It's important to spend time with the people you have grown up with before you all go your seperate ways in life.
I would tell myself first of all put a portion of every single paycheck into savings for school so stress wasnt so extremely high my first year. I would also tell myself to go into my first year not expecting anything, just to focus on grades and class work and let the rest fall into place. The biggest thing I would tell myself would be to not stress over the little things because in the end everything works out the way it is supposed to, and stress only makes situations worse. Balancing my sleep, friends, and school would be the last thing I would tell myself. Learn to give each enough attention, but to prioritize.
If I had the chance to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I'd tell myself to relax. The stress of going into the real world isn't worth getting your stomach in knots over. Of course it's very important and needs to all be figured out, but there's no need in making yourself sick. Apply for as many scholarships as possible, apply for financial aid, and narrow down the college that best suits you. If you don't know your major, so what. You'll figure it out. You'll change so much and figure out who you really are, and what you wanna do for the rest of your life will come to you. Be social, get involved, and meet new people. You'll meet some of the most unique people in college, so don't miss out on them. Just have fun. Definitely keep up on your grades and classwork, but also make memories that will last a lifetime. College is about the degree, but at the same time it's important to live for the nights and people you won't forget.
If I could go back now and give advice to my high school self, I think what I would be most adamant about telling myself is to not put things off. When my senior year was dwindling down, and all my friends were getting their accptance letters, I had still not applied to schools, yet. I think the biggest thing that kept making me want to avoid it was that I was scared I wasn't good enough or that I wouldn't get into the school/s I wanted to. Another thing I wish I had been more proactive about was learning all the financial ins and outs. A lot of things are learned hands-on, sure, but I feel like I wish someone would have been there to really help me understand all the different things I could do to help myself pay for school. Waiting is something that I shouldn't have done. I got into the school I wanted to, and I don't want to say all the nervousness I felt was for nothing, but I think I let it get to me more than it should have.