For many people choosing a college is the most important situation in their young lives. I would suggest not making a quick decision; moreover, I think that one must research many different colleges and universities to make sure they know what they are going to be getting out of a school for the next four years.
Get out and be yourself! Meet new people and have fun... just not too much fun to where you are going to get in trouble!
do your research, take campus visits and ask a lot of questions.
I would recommend choosing a college that is known for excellence in your field of study. Also, I would recommend making as many friends and connections as possible. It may help you throughout your college experience.
I would advise students and even parents to consider what they want to do with the rest of their lives. Cost shouldn't matter because there is aid out there that can be given to the student/parents for the college. Also determine what type of learning enviorment you would be most comfortable learning in. Choose the one that best suits your needs, attending a college that does not meet your needs will cause you to have a poor college experience. Students should also consider the course loads that they will be taking along with the class size. Students should look into optimizing their experiences with the college that will best suit them. Both parents and students should take in to consideration the social life of a school. With it being a students first time away from home they will be more likely to try new things and get off track with non-extracirricular activities such as partying. For the most part sudents and parents should sit down together and decide what the student wants and needs in a school and choose one from there. That is all I can advise them on. The choice is ultimately theirs.
Ask the students on campus, because they will give you the most honest answer, because the faculty and administration will play the school up to be better than it really is. You should research colleges on pages other than the colleges homepage on the internet.
When searching for the right college, there are questions that one must consider. First, what is the desired area of study? This could be specific or general. If you're not exactly sure, choose a college that offers most of what you are considering. Next, where do you want your college to be located? Are you interested in leaving your home state or would you prefer to stay closer to home? Much thought must be put behind this decision. Going against your desire is sure to result in regret. Another important question about location is your comfort level with either a city or a small town. You don't want to choose a surrounding area that will take serious adjustment as it may interfere with your studies. The next question is regarding classroom size. Would you prefer small classrooms with opportunity to develop student-professor relationships or would you prefer large lecture halls? This question will have a large impact on your educational experience. It is also important to keep in mind extra-curricular activities. Involvement is important to maximize the college experience. These questions are sure to lead you to the college fitting both your academic and social needs.
Let your student chose where they want to go. It doesn't even really matter, because no one knows what they want to do for a career, when they're still in high school. Find a liberal arts college or community college, and then transfer to a real university when you decide what you want to do.
For those seniors who have been accepted to a college, don't get caught up in all the partying. Have a good time but make sure that you do it properly. Focus on academics first, and social life second; but also make sure you balance them out so that you don't get overwhelmed. For those who haven't been accepted or are applying, make sure that you start early. I learned the hard way that waiting isn't the best option and had to go to my second choice school. Also make sure that you research the college that you are looking at, it will help you get an idea of what you are getting yourself into. Check to see if they have days that you and your parents can visit but also if they have weekends where you can come and stay and get the feel for college life. My final advice is just Good Luck! College is tough but remeber that what you do in college shapes what is to come in your future.
make sure your priorities are in the right place before you go to school otherwise it will be a huge waste of money and time