THe advice that I would give myself is freshman is the year that you have the most fun but is almost the year that can and will make you or break you. During freshamn year you can party hard but study harder. Your gpa is everything and the higher the better. Get involved in the communtiy and volunteer at places that deals with your career field. Volunteer at the hospital and volunteer at the clinic so you can have experience in your field. I also will advise myself to branch out and get to knnow other on people on other college campuses.
If I was a senior in high school this is the advice I would give myself, I have Acknowledge my responsibility to seeking God's guidance in his purpose and plans. I must schedule and plan time for God. I will plan my time better toward class and studying to Organize my life to rely upon the power and wisdom of my trust in God to teach me what to do or say. I must lay aside things that would derail or detour me from God in everyday or night. Please God review my time to fix my heart and clean up the thing that cause shame to you and me. I ask myself these three question everyday: What are my Goals in life? What are my Dreams in life? What are my purposes in life? These question i ask you God to fill the desire of my heart for your will and demand my best to make it reality. Surround me with encouraging people who wants the best for my life. Thank you Lord for teaching me self-control and to keep believing in your will to reaching my Dreams and Goals.
Take the initiative and DO NOT procrastinate. Procrastination has been the largest problem you have encountered as a college student so far, and it is something you absolutely have the ability to control. Break the habit now, before it becomes a habit that you will have to deal with as a college student with far more riding on each individual assignment. Also, get off your duff and go do some community service. Not only will it build character and make you a better person, blah, blah, blah, but lacking community service time cost me a major scholarship. DO NOT be lazy, and go out and get things done!
Well if I could go back I would sit myself down and say I know you do not want to hear this but ,shut up and listen anyway. You will be glad you are out of here and you will have jobs that you do enjoy ,but when you least expect it that little bundle of joy is going to pop into your life after being told you can,t ever have her and when you put her in your arms it will make you make you realize that okay I should have made the choice to go to college .Trust me this will happen to you and no you can not change it unless you go on to further your education ,so when this little blessing arrives you can say to her I go my head on straight I have job security .Let us all take the rest of this journey together your mommy and daddy love you with all thier heart.
If the opportunity presented itself, I would go back and tell my high school self not to wait until the last minute to get anything done. I am not referring to homework or course work when I make this statement, but paperwork in general. For example, on move in day while everyone else was busy getting situated I was a few hours behind becase I had to wait to be financially cleared. College Kiosh'a would tell high school Kiosh'a to make sure everything is in order and taken care of before you leave home, so that way, nothing can interfere with the progress you are trying to make.
I would investigate more assistance to help me with the financial burdens that arise when attending college.
If I could go back to my senior year of high school, I would advise myself to choose a school that provides positive, on campus living. I would also tell myself to relax and just let things happen, because no matter what, I’ll make the best of the situation.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that one should be a gregarious person because there are many different ethnic groups and and cultural differences. Being shy will only hinder opportunites and college experiences. I would also tell myself that knowing what college you want to attend is strongly encouraged because college is where you will spend four or more years of your life and you want it to be one of the most memoriable years of your life.
As a freshman in college looking back at myself as a senior in high school, I would say I have made some fair but costly decisions. If I could go back this is what my advice woule be: "You need to take your future more seriously, then you have in the pass. Life is not a game. Life would chew you up and spit you out alive, only if you allow it to. College it not cheap, so make sure every dollar that's spent on your education is worth every penny. Take every opportunity that given to you, and perform beyond your best. Always think outside the box and explore what's out of the normal to you. It is a total different world from where you come from. College is nothing like high school, nobody is going to hold your hand and walk with you. You have to make things happen for yourself, and this is called responsibility. Time waits for no one, so make sure you value your time, and alway keep yourself proactive and staying involve. You are the only one who holds the key to your future, make sure you use it!"
I have often thought about if I could go back in time and what I would do differently. The best advice I could give myself knowing what I know now would be GO FOR IT!!!!! Do all that you can, do not be afraid of what people think, take all the chances, run for office, join the drama club, try out for cheerleading, and most importantly do not procrastinate!!!! All the things that you fear and that hold you back in high school are obsolete they do not matter as you get older; what does matter are the things that you accomplish and the risks that you take to get there. Life really is too short to waste time on trivial things. Be the leader and stand out from the crowd be willing to take life and all its opportunities head on and never look back!!! Put yourself in the situation where you have NO REGRET. Never have to look back and say “I wish I had done that." Just do it.