Freedom to be who you choose to be. They will support you to do better and keep you on the right side of life. Why I like my school is because I am 39 years old basketball player for my school and very proud to have this opportunity to live my dreams with support from all my teammate, coaches, and teacher.
The best thing about my school is the faculty and staff because they want to see you succeed. If you ever need help there is always someone here for you that is willing to drop everything and assist you.
i consider the diversitiy because it gives you people from all walks of life.
The best thing about Fisk University is that its a family oreinted campus. Students are able to get that one on one attention with the faculty and staff members. Also, Fisk takes good care of their students, specifically on the academic side. They make sure that students are on top of their work and are holding at least 3.0 GPA. Most importantly, if students are having any problems within their course they will take care it immediately, with providing student with a personal tutor and a academic advisor.
School spirit is the best thing that I consider about my school. The current students along with alumni are very active and high in spirit. They show so much pride during basketball games and homecoming. People generally know a Fiskite in the neighborhood because they carry so much pride with them. However the boast of these students are very much deserved because they work hard to secure thier positions within the school once accepted. If it was for school spirit alone I would not want to choose to attend any other school except Fisk University.
The best thing about my school is it being such a loving campus. We are all like a family. Professors really care about what is going on and so does everyone on campus.
I think the best thing about my school is the intimate relationship that the students and professors share. The professors are always available for extra help and really want the students to succeed. They have flexible office hours, great tutors, and hands on learning in the classrooms.
Fisk Univeristy is a small Historicall Black College that has a student body of less than 900. Due to its small size you get to know a lot of people, which makes it a very family environment. The best feature about Fisk is the family environment. You are surrounded by positive people, who want you to succeed at anything you pusuit in life; there is always someone willing to give a helping hand in any possible way.
The best thing is the building of frienships and the quality of education that I am receiving
Having a school small enough where you can receive that one-on-one relationship with your professors. The ability to ask your professors frequent questions during class without worrying about the time limit of that class. It's very important to be able to ask your professors questions that you have in order to become successful of passing the class. It gives you the ability to understand the material and at the same time apply that material to your future course classes.