Five Towns College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Five Towns College know before they start?


Set your goals higher and in advance. Do not take no for an answer and if you really want it be the best at it


Want to make anywhere in life you have to have knowledge of the topic and its surrounding areas.


Having had the opportunity to try and make my own way after high school graduation in the work force prior to attending college, my advice would be to best describe the daily struggle I had experienced to try to make ends meet without furthering my education until now. It is a rough world, and the best preparation possible doesn't even guarantee you will be where you want to be. You need to meet the world with dedication, knowledge and the support of experienced individuals who have the benefit of guiding your path. Continuing an education in college is like having a short-term life preparatory course, with a large support staff, encouraging you to move forward, and assisting you to limit your mistakes. You can't get better than that!


Look outside of new york


Pick a campus where you feel at home. If you ever feel the need to transfer to another program, do so.


To the parents: this is your childs experience, let them choose the right college for themselves. Even if you feel it is not the fit let them make that decision so that they don't look back and say I should have went there instead of here. To the students: If the first college is not a good choice for you it is ok to tranfer until you find the right one. Always look to the future not the past and get involve with the community it will enhance your experience.


Do your research and check out the school, get a feel for it before you actually spend half your life going there.


When you child graduates college , you will do anything to make sure that he/she receives the best college education for an afforable price , right ? Well my college is a private college and is very expensive . However there are programs such as HEOP who assist low income families by paying for the students education . So make sure you try to find many scholoarships , and grants possible before sending your child away . Whe n your child goes away to college make sure that you stay in contact with them , via phone, email , and mail . YOur child will feel appreciated and loved , and also know that you love is everlasting miles away . Remember to give you child some sense of independence , becaus eyou don't want to overload them with love . Parents will always be upset when their child doesn't get high grades or is have difficulty in class :so give them advice and let your child know that you are there for them even if you don't understand the material . All in all do research about the college , even if your child already did and let them know that they are an adult .


Students should really consider what they're interested in, and what they want to do after college. Find a college with majors that you like and that will help you succeed in your goals after college.