Florida Institute of Technology Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known I wasn't going to get a job as fast as I had hoped because it effects my financial situation after graduation.


I wish I had known that it reaches freezing temperatures in Florida.


I wish I had known more math like Calculus before I got to Florida Tech. If I would have taken AP Calculus and, then, Calculus-Based Physics, I would have been further along in my college career. In other words, I would have been playing less catch up.


Significant aircaraft rental price increase, which hinders my major.


That college is a lot harder than high school. And that students are expected to do the reading and homework if they want to pass. Also I wish I new about the Stress Free Zone in the gym.


How important attendance actually is in the grade you recieve for the course.


I wish that I had known how to manage my time better before I started to attend college.


How to do my own laundry


How much it would cost for flight fees? I wished I knew to study in the library.


More knowlegde of the amount of females ratio to males. How expensive this school really is. THe fact that the advisors lie about the amount of actual financial aid availabe.