Florida State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Florida State University.


I was nervous coming in as a freshman and having to share a classroom with 800 other students. It is more like a family. The classmates are very helpful and it is quite easy to form study groups. I have only had positive experiences with classmates.


Some classmates take assignments seriously while others shouldn't even be there.


My classmates are generally enthusiastic, nice people who enjoy relating to one another in a positive manner that creates a great environment to prosper both academically and socially.


My classmates were diverse - all ages, races, and backrounds.


My classmates here at Florida State University are some of the best friends I have ever had.


My classmates are very energetic and involved, they a lot of passion and love for the school and what what they are involved in and what they believe in; this school is like a giant family because no matter your affiliation with the school, we are all seminoles and that is something to be proud of.


My classmates are respective of each other and helpful when needed.


The students at my school are very diverse. When I say diverse I mean personality traits, not culture. They are so many types of people here so it is very easy to make friends here. No matter what your interests are, somebody at this school can relate to you.


Classmates at FSU are friendly, always willing to help, and scholarly.


My classmates are diverse; each student coming from a different background with his/her own individual belief is what makes this community so special.