Florida State University Top Questions

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its a complete college town. it also feels like you're in georgia, and not in florida. we get georgian weather and a southern twist but its also a florida school with a hispanic influence.


Since it was founded in 1851, there is so much historical significance to FSU. The school is top notch and so is the campus.


On campus transportation is reliable, and it incorporates the Doak Campbell stadium in every trip.


My school has a historic background and is one of the oldest continuous sites of higher education in the state of florida. Also, the amount of school spirit and life that revolves around football and other sports makes my experience here better than i could've imagined elsewhere.


FSU is the only school I considered, but it is very unique. I am a Florida State Majorette and while performing at the football games, I see all of our loyal, dedicated students showing spirit for our school. It's an amazing feeling to see everyone come together and be dovoted to their school. I think students of Florida State are classy and respectful, and just sincere, down-to-earth people. I think if I went to other schools in Florida, my experience would be much different and the feeling of coming together as a school would be missing.


Our school has a heart for Leadership and service like none other in this country. It truly understand that value and intrical part of this in higher education.


We have great school spirt


It's a very large school so there is a lot of oppurtunities for just about any and all interests. I went to the music school, and the quality and size of the music school was much greater than any other schools anywhere near it.


Florida State University was the only college that I applied to that offered a major in Japanese Language. Having lived in Japan for ten years, I wanted to pursue the language in a degree program, and FSU was the only college on the East coast that offered the degree.


It is listed among the top ten public colleges of music. It has a very strong arts community and many noted professors in both academia and the arts. Sir Kroto of the UK, the inventor of Bucminster Fullerine is a faculty member, as is Stanford Olsen and David Okerlund noteable men in the Field of Opera and Roy Delp a conerstone in the world of Vocal Pedagogy. Many of the professors I study with hold a doctorate in their field, or if not a doctorate a masters degree and comparable work experience.