Florida State University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


greek life


Although Greek Life is extremely popular at Florida State University, there are still clubs and lifestyles that adhere to other students. Personally, I am not involved in Greek Life. I was on the varsity swim team for a year before I decided that this would not be for me, now I am involved in Pre-Med clubs, Best Buddies, among other clubs that help other students. You can get involved with residency, homecoming, orientation, or really anything that you find interesting. We also have the circus, unlike any other Florida school. You can join the circus and practice with them for major performances, or you can go and watch the circus on the weekends two months out of the year for entertainment. Off campus, there is a ton of nightlife on the weekends that give students things to do. In the summertime, there are sponsored events by a strip of clubs called "The Strip." With that being said, there is constantly something going on both on and off campus during any time of the year.


Greek Life and Intramural sports.


As I mentioned earlier, I'm not involved with Greek life. I met my friends the old fashioned way through just hanging out around campus. Dorms are such an easy way to meet people, as there are events in the lobby of a dorm almost every weekend and there are outside areas to hang out, play volleyball, or whatever you are interested in doing on a sunny day. Events are so frequent, there is always something going on all over campus, even dating mixers every few months. Traditions include the Homecoming week events, parades, the football games obviously, the Fair, monthly Breakfast for a Buck on Friday nights, and more. You can always find a party, but it's not important. Drinking isn't the end all to be all, as the cultural aspects of campus are not terrible. We have an outdoor amphitheater to see plays in, as well as the circus and thriving Club Downunder with it's free concerts. Movies are shown free a few months after they are originally released at the gorgeous Student Life Cinema.


There are so many opportunities to constantly get involved on campus with so many different clubs. Besides social networking, events and organizations are notorious for advertising through chalk on the ground. There are simply chalk messages to elaborate drawings. The Humans vs. Zombies club, which involves teams that engage in nerf battles you will see across campus, are known for their catchy flyers and chalk drawings. I'm currently involved in the Honors Program and NSCS (National Society of Collegiate Scholar), as well as many other clubs I look forward to joining through my time here at the university. The dorms tend to not be the most social environment, with everyone tending to remain secluded in their room, but everyone still is friendly to one another. Sports are huge at Florida State, especially football. Just to illustrate, people were paying $100 just for student tickets to the big Oklahoma game this past season. We also are fortunate to host a variety of guest speakers that you are able to attend, with just this year I was able to see Spike Lee and vice president Joe Biden. Tallahassee is basically New York on a smaller scale because I'm pretty sure this city doesn't sleep with there always being something going on. If I was up at 2 am on a Tuesday, I would go to $2 Tuesdays at the local bar Potbelly's. It all comes down to how much you want to party. There is the tradition of you being thrown in the main fountain on your birthday, which I have to say having a January birthday is not fun! The campus and town offers so much especially for a student, whether your looking to party of just have a good time, you won't be disappointed in trying to find something.


There are so many opportunities to get involved on campus with so many different clubs. The Human vs. Zombies club seems to be the most promoted.


There is so much to do at FSU. There is a club for everything. If you want to get connected with other prehealth students, go shoot guns, find other asian students, get involved in politics, or network with business people, there is a club for you. The sports programs here are near the top in the nation. Going to the games is a lot of fun, and the atmosphere is awesome. It is also nice to win a lot! Kids are always playing frisbee on Landis field, and soccer and football are always going on at the old IM fields. The intramural sports (IM) at FSU is very good as well. There are a bunch of sports to get involved in, and the competition is intense. There are so many kids to play against that you always have a good matchup, no matter your skill level. FSU has its own lake, where kids can go out and tan, kayak, play frisbee, volleyball, or swim. Sometimes they have bands that come play reggae music so it is awesome hanging out there on a saturday. Nightlife at FSU is prime. There are a ton of clubs, so you can go wherever you feel like (if you want latin music or rap or house, there is a club for you) and they all are very good. The school is very central, so the students live in houses all around it. This means that you can literally (if you want to) walk from party to party every weekend. Everyone here goes out and gets wild. it is the best. Greek life here is huge as well. I am not apart of it, but they get pretty crazy, and the sorority girls are so hot! There are many shows going on as well. Students perform dances, plays, and concerts, and they all are very good because FSU is one of the top schools for music and theatre. Also, famous rappers and rock bands always come to Tallahassee because it is such a big school so you have plenty of entertainment available. They also come to the clubs so you can party with them!


The most popular Student group would have to be the Greek Life. I, personally, am not in a sorority, but many of my friends are part of the Panhellenic life. I have to say, it does consume a lot of their time, including their free time. They make new friends, are active in many events, and sometimes may even start dressing a bit different, but the Greek Life at FSU reaches out to many good causes, such as Dance Marathon. On another note, another large student group is the Student Alumni Association. I am on the Leadership Council of this Association, and have been exposed to many Alumni and learned much about my schools history. It is a great way to be involved on campus if you are questioning Greek Life!


No matter where you decide to attend college, I highly recommend getting involved! Whether it's with your church, student government, or going greek, getting involved helps shrink down the school to make you feel at home. Personally, I decided to go greek so I could make some good friends and keep myself busy. I think this was the best decision I've made at college because if I hadn't joined a sorority, I would have never made so many good friends.


No matter where you decide to attend college, I highly recommend getting involved! Whether it's with your church, student government, or going greek, getting involved helps shrink down the school to make you feel at home. Personally, I decided to go greek so I could make some good friends and keep myself busy. I think this was the best decision I've made at college because if I hadn't joined a sorority, I would have never made so many good friends.


No matter where you decide to attend college, I highly recommend getting involved! Whether it's with your church, student government, or going greek, getting involved helps shrink down the school to make you feel at home. Personally, I decided to go greek so I could make some good friends and keep myself busy. I think this was the best decision I've made at college because if I hadn't joined a sorority, I would have never made so many good friends.


No matter where you decide to attend college, I highly recommend getting involved! Whether it's with your church, student government, or going greek, getting involved helps shrink down the school to make you feel at home. Personally, I decided to go greek so I could make some good friends and keep myself busy. I think this was the best decision I've made at college because if I hadn't joined a sorority, I would have never made so many good friends.


Some of the most popular groups on campus are human rights organizations, spirit organizations, and political organizations. I am involved with a spirit organization on campus that paints war stripes on people's faces. We do community service and also have socials. Football and basketball games are very popular. A guest speaker this past year was Eli Weisel, and the dance department puts on show regularly. Dorm rooms are fun, and people typically keep their doors unlocked when they are home. I met my closest friends in my dorm! If I am awake at 2 AM during the week, it most likely means I am studying, but since the library is open 24 hours, it can be a social process.


Some of the most popular groups on campus are human rights organizations, spirit organizations, and political organizations. I am involved with a spirit organization on campus that paints war stripes on people's faces. We do community service and also have socials. Football and basketball games are very popular. A guest speaker this past year was Eli Weisel, and the dance department puts on show regularly. Dorm rooms are fun, and people typically keep their doors unlocked when they are home. I met my closest friends in my dorm! If I am awake at 2 AM during the week, it most likely means I am studying, but since the library is open 24 hours, it can be a social process.


By far, the most popular student activity is attending football games. Most students look forward to every fall semester and the whole university revolves around those Saturday games. Many students are actively involved in clubs and organizations directed toward their goals. For instance, there are several pre-health organizations that help the community tremendously. Though students do what they have to do for their classes and their future, many want to have fun during the weekends as well. If you're into the party scene, there is something to do every single night. Whether it is a bar or a fraternity party, it is not difficult to find something to do. Greek life is a big part of Florida State and you can constantly see students wearing clothing representing their organization. However, the university offers many activities for those that do want to drink. The Student Life Cinema features movies foe to six nights a week, there are festivals on campus a few times every semester, and there is a bowling alley on campus that is constantly packed with students. Those that attend Florida State are always open to meeting new people and the university features many events that make this an easy process.


In a school of 40,000, you can find anything and everything. Volunteer organizations, intramural teams, greek life, - absolutely anything. I'm involved with an Emergency Medical Response program on campus - something rather unique to this university.


In a school of 40,000, you can find anything and everything. Volunteer organizations, intramural teams, greek life, - absolutely anything. I'm involved with an Emergency Medical Response program on campus - something rather unique to this university.


Most popular organizations would be major related or political related, this includes student government. I'm involved with ASCE, a group for civil engineers who want to get experience with real world engineers and network. Some students leave their doors open, but most do not. Athletic events are very very popular and many students do not miss them. FSU also have a popular movie theater. Dating is very much what you make of it, its there if you want it. I met my best friends through classes and clubs. At 2am on a Tuesday I'd either be coming home from a get together with friends or in my room reading online. The most traditional event at FSU is the Fall Football season. People party very frequently! Greek life is not necessarily important, it is it's own niche and they stick to themselves. Last weekend I partied, went to some bars, and studied with my classmates. There are many alcohol free options, movies, sport events, and just relaxing with friends. You can do what ever you like, no one really cares what you do.


Greek life is probably the most popular student group. Also the athlectis are are very prominet. The dorm rooms are kind of gross but you meet many people there and do many dorm activties. Going out is always the biggest activity. Everyone is alwasy out on a Thursday night and people are every where getiing drunk. Even during the week alot of people go out to thebars and have a good time. it is a very big party school but you can choose if you want to go ut or not. You can do alot of other things without drinking like go bowling or watch a movie or go to a resturant. Drinking is very big here though, tailgates can get crazy and the bars scene is very fun. I meet my closet friend in my sorority and now i live with them and go out alot with them. I have meet many people by socializing within the greek life and love going out with people.


The most popular groups/organizations on campus are the recreational clubs and intermural sports. FSU is a very active college participating in various sports and teams around campus. I'm mostly involved in honor societies and pre-health orgainzations which are preparing me for medical school and beyond. Athletic events are extremely important to FSU, each student loves to cheer on the Seminoles! Currently, I'm not in the dating scene, but their are plenty of people that are and they are easy to find! I met my closest friends at FSU through the random roomate matching done by the residence halls; I love my new roomates!! Students at FSU deffinantly party and weekends (and even weekdays) are a lot of fun!! Greek life is a subsection of FSU, you don't have to be in it but it does help broading the horizon in order to meet new people.