Florida State University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Florida State University? Why?


The worse thing about my school is the large number of classes for elective classes. For example. I am majoring in Biochemistry and I am required to take Chemistry I and II. These classes have up to 120 students in it. It hard to grasp the concept and understand the course with some students and with the inability to communicate in class.


The parking. We do not have alot of parking on campus and it causes a lot of stress and is annoying. Parking passes are free so our school doesn't get any money to build another parking garage.


The worst thing about my school would be the fact that they grant money to people who don't relally need it. My family is having desprate financial need and the school is reluctant to give us funds while I know friends of mine that are recieveing thousands from the school based on thier ethnic background and not neccessarily their financial need nor high school/college GPA.


Some of the classes can be quite large so it can be difficult to pay attention or get attention in class.


The advisors are probably the worse part about the school. They always seem to contradict one another when they would talk about classes you have to take and in what order they have to take them. Also some of the advisors have no experties in the major they are advising.


The worst thing about FSU is that most of the freshman and sophomore undergraduate classes are taught in large auditoriums which makes it hard to establish a relationship with the professor.


If you live off campus it's hard to stay involved in the things going on oncampus.


There may be many dedicated and scholarly students at Florida State, but all to frequently they are lost among the droves of students who are attending the nearest state university simply because they have no more serious ambition. The culture here is not focused on learning for the sake of knowledge; it seems to view college as either a merely practical step towards higher annual income, or as an excuse to escape one's parents. So it can be hard to find fellow students who are dedicated to a pursuit of art, science, or wisdom.


I would say that the worse thing about my school is the parking, we need so much more for the number of students that attend. Most of the students live off campus, they commute everyday and have trouble finding parking on time to get to classs.


The surrounding areas weren't really condusive to a cultural college environment.