Florida State University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Florida State University? Is this stereotype accurate?


There are some stereotypes like frat guys and sorority girls, but other than that I think people are pretty much equal.


Mostly, when people think of Florida State University, they think "Tallanasty"--the general stereotype is that everyone here is "ghetto" or "gangster." But I really think that this stereotype is inaccurate. Florida State has a very diverse student body with people from every national, ethnic, and socioeconomic background you can think of. My fellow students come from all over the world--China, the UK, Australia, Kenya, Colombia, Spain...and many more. Also, those of us that do come from the US are extremely diverse as well, in interests, extracurriculars, and majors.


There are a bunch of stereotypes for kids at my school. Many of them are true. First of all, people always say that FSU is a girl's school, and even though that is not true, there are genuinely a lot more girls than guys. There is a huge sorority/fraternity scene, so there are is overwhelming amount of the tan, bleach blonde, Christian (although not necessarily moral), Southern girls you would expect to find in the sunshine state. There is also no shortage of the meathead male counterpart, who comes complete with an over-inflated sense of self, due to the hoards of love-hungry girls without better options. Then there is the hipster crowd. You can spot them a mile away in their thrift-store clothes and bold-colored wayfarers (which are doubly functional to hide their blood shot eyes, and block out the blinding sun after a night at the rave). Beware their swinging anti-establishment protest signs.


One of the most common streotypes about Florida State University it that it is a major party school. While we do have a very big nightlife atmosphere we have many other things that students can do and participate in. There all many frats and soroities here to join and make lots of amazing friends. Also many clubs and organizations that can make a big impact on FSU.


The students at Florida State are deffinantly partiers! Everyone loves to have good time and cheer on all the athletic teams at FSU!


One of the factors that drew me in initially to Florida State University was that stereotypes were nonexistent. Walking around campus, it is difficult to distinguish the "jocks" from the "geeks," or the sorority girls from the honors students. Florida State is so diverse and so accepting of any and all students, and it provides a sense of belonging and comfort in an atmosphere that is frequently portrayed as daunting.


Stereotypes about FSU students are usually that we drink a lot and are way too into football. While some FSU students are like that, I have seen every kind of person at FSU. Though it is rare to find an FSU student who doesn't go to at least one football game. So, the stereotype is a bit warranted, but it is not the picture of what students are really like here.


Southern Frat Stars; Southern Belles; Rednecks; Not as smart as UF; GDI's. People view Florida State University as a very southern school in Florida known for its partying and Greek Life. People also see University of Florida as the smart school and FSU as the second choice. What they don't know is the tradition Florida State upholds and how proud I am to be a student at Florida State. Also being a part of Greek Life has shown me why people stereotype it and why they shouldn't. I have the inside look to the positive side of Greek Life and would love to share that to everyone.


Students at Florida State University do not verbally say we have certain stereotypes as any other school they just exist. Typical schools have jocks which are football players, basketball players, Softball, Baseball and other sports; the band, the fraternities, the sororities and then the different student union groups. Florida State University is diverse in the areas of sports, tradition, religion and minorities just like any other school in the nation. Our stereotypical groups are just as true as any other school's but we as students and future students cannot consider these "groups" as stereotypes. Stereotypes are ways of classifying individuals who are specific which is not justifiable. The University does not promote stereotypes they promote diversity and challenge society to interact together no matter what talents students hold. If a student has the talent to be a football player and are on the team that is there place within the university that is how they support their university. Stereotypes will forever come up as an issue but it is up to us as students to show that stereotypes are exactly what they are stereotypes and that is not what Florida State University is about. Stereotypes are territorial. They are based on talents and beliefs and are not accurate.


Everyone thinks that FSU students like to drink. Drinking is commonly associated with partying. Although, some students prefer to drink just to fit in. Most students at FSU are interested in studying hard to keep their grades up.