Florida State University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Florida State University?


The majority of FSU students are UF rejects. The FSU community is really nice and most people are helpful. The campus is not safe.


That it's a party school


The girls are hot, everybody loves to party, and students aren't terribly studious or bright.


FSU students are shallow and drink heavily


I don't know if there's any one stereotype. I know the kids who aren't in Frats think the Frat kids are ass holes and douchebags (While this is obviously untrue, many of them are pretty stupid). And I know most of the frat kids think kids who aren't in frats are weird and crazy cigarette fiends with long hair that listen to weird music. This is also obviously untrue, and its those people who make the stereotypes to begin with, but they also make life at FSU so damn fun.


I've heard a lot of stereotypes regarding our intellect, many comparing us to University of Florida students, claiming we are the UF rejects. I don't think that is true. Yes, some of us applied to UF, and I'm sure a lot of us got rejected, but that by no means makes us more or less intelligent.I have also heard some very insulting steroetypes labeling FSU girls as "easy" and claims that FSU is STD infected.


I think some of the stereotypes would be that all the girls are pretty, there isn't anything to do in Tallahassee, and that greek life is everything.


Not as good as UF students.


That we party a lot and are slackers who couldn't get into University of Florida.


We have loads of extremely hot girls