A person atteding Florida State University should be very motivated and outgoing. He/she should have a passion for his/her intended course of study and strive to complete it to his/her ability. A future FSU student should be willing to actively participate inside the classroom, as well as outside the classroom by getting involved in extracurricular campus organizations. By fulfilling all of these attributes, a person attending Florida State University will have an optimal college experience that will best prepare him/her for life after college.
Overall anyone can attend Florida State. There is a myth or sterotype that this is a huge party school and it is extremely hard to focus on one's studies, but that is completely not true. Everyone has a chance to make Florida State what they want. There is no specific type of person that can or cannot attend this school.
Someone who prefers or does not mind being "just a number" amongst thousands of other students on campus. Also, someone who enjoys a lively college atmosphere and constant activity around campus.
Someone who wants to attend classes online.
This school is big, sports oriented and academically middle of the road. That being said there is something for everyone and all programs have good professors who are willing to work with you and help you succeed. I Think this school is for people who really like sports or want a good experience and are limited financially to a state institution.
Florida State is a diverse community full of proud individuals. Any type of person would be able to fit into this school, from artsy to jocks.
Someone that is well disciplined and knows how to separate fun from school would be the kind of person that should attend this school. Someone that wants to learn and help others along the process. This person should appreciate their education because it is very easy to waste this opportunity away if you don't know what you really have.
Florida State University can be any kind of school that you make it. If you stay inside and don't talk to anyone, you will never find the incredible opportunities that are available there. Join as many organizations and clubs as soon as you can to make friends, put in your full effort into your school work, and try to develop relationships with your teachersand T.A.s. (they will be such a big help to you in your educational career. Go to office hours!!!). Make the most of your four years there!
A student who is ready to be completely dedicated to a serious educational opportunity and will take the university very seriously.
There is still a chance for extracurricular enjoyments with friends and parties, but the professors have high expectations and a low tolerance for excuses. The people are very genuinely accepting, progressive, and kind hearted. It is not a University of judgment.
A person who is willing to keep and open-mind as well being able to take advantage of their education, the city of Tallahassee and any opportunities beyond the academic environment.