I brag about the small classes and the beauty of the campus
I brag about all of the things I get to do. Fort Lewis does a great job at getting the students involved in the great outdoors. They have a great group called OP (stands for Outdoor Pursuits). With a minimal fee, you are able to rent out a bunch of outdoor gear to do anything from camping to climbing, to kayaking. I love that the school caters to people who enjoy the outdoors. It has really made me appreciate nature and my school more, simply by making my adventures possible.
I like the amount of outdoor activities available here at the school. A lot of my friends have similar intrests and they would have loved the fishing, snowboarding and other activities. But after talking to some of my friends I realized how lucky I am that the school helps the students soo much with things like an algebra alcove that provides free tutoring for math, and there are also other places for english, chemistry, and history.
When I brag to my friends and family about Fort Lewis College I talk about how outdoorsy this college is. In Durango there is always something to do, from hiking and rock-climbing to ice-climbing and skiing, I am never bored. Another thing that I always tell people about The Fort is how diverse and friendly the community is, everyone walks around with a smile. Not to mention the parties, Durango is a bumping place for such a small town.
That Fort Lewis is a Liberal Arts and Sciences college with, as far as I know, great Business, Psychology, Biology and Education departments.
Fort Lewis is a great school with instructors that are focused on your success. The class sizes are such that you get to know your instructors. They actually become your friends and do whatever is possible to help you succeed. The course work is challenging and the instructors are very assesible if you need help. This is an overall great school.
I love how different it is from anywhere else I've been! Durango is true small town America, and it takes a while to get used to the slow paced way of life... but once you do, the simple and non-judgemental community makes it an amazing place to live... PLUS GREAT snowboarding!
The campus is beautiful.
The professors love helping one on one, and also the campus view is gorgeous. The campus is always buzzing with something to do for all different interests, and the shuttle into town is convient and the town is great place to hang out as well.