The person that enjoys smaller classes, shorter walking distance from class to class, and friendly professors. Shy, introverted people should attend Francis Marion University because I was an introverted person and I was welcomed with open arms. Students may be slow to react with one another, but if they take the chance and speak to someone, it makes a big difference. Professors embrace students and invite students to conversate with them in their office, whether its grades, assignments, planning for classes, financial planning, advice about campus authority and duties or even advice on life, they help.
I think the kind of person that should attend Francis Marion is a student who is looking for a future. Someone who is willing to better there education and make something out of themselves. Here at Francis Marion, the teachers look out for what is best for the students and are willilng to lend of helping hand to those in need. With that being said, a student wanting to further their education in excellence should attend Francis Marion University.
Francis Marion University is an outstanding school. After completing my Bachelor's of Arts degree in Psychology, I was more than prepared for graduate education, and now that I am working on a post- graduate degree, I know that effect the Francis Marion University has had on my education. This is an outstanding choice for education. I love my alma mater.
Someone who likes a diverse campus with plenty of events but still wants a community atmosphere.
The type of person that should attend Francis Marion University should be one that is serious about there education and future. At Francis Marion University education is not taken lightly. Those students who are serious about their education will be properly prepared for their future in his/her specific career field.
A person who is self-motivated, driven and friendly.
Some one who enjoys being in small setting and is very focused on school should attend this University. Students that enjoy partyin would not enjoy this school that much.
The type of person that should attend Francis Marion University is a student that is serious about his/her work, can appreciate diversity, and can enjoy being in an university environment. Francis Marion is a liberal arts college that has a quiet, serene campus. The person needs to understand that there are many different activities and organizations at the school but academics are important to be able to continue receiving an education. Those persons that are open to different things and different cultures would fit in at this university. Respectful people should also attend this school.
Someone who is very outgoing and likes to meet new people because the people here are very friendly and eager to meet others and as long as one is willing to do that then socially they would fit great. As far as academically the person needs to be self motivated to do well in school because there are many self paced classes here and the teachers place a lot of responsibility on the student to learn the provided material.
Anyone who has the academic criteria should attend this school.