Frostburg State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Frostburg State University know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior and tell what I know now about college life and making the transition to college, I would give certain advice to myself. I would advise myself with high importance that I need to prepare myself for college. I was never prepared for college; my high school wasn?t a college prep school, so I was left on my own. I would want to tell myself that college education is important and I should prepare my English, writing, grammar, math and anything else needed for college level education. It is important that I review and study to be ready for college. In addition to the education, I would like to have known about the different schools and what they offer for degrees, and other programs. I did not have a good chance to look into colleges, I would like to have known what other colleges were available. Especially, I would like to have looked into the costs and options to pay for school. If I would have had this advice, college transition would have been much easier than it was for me.


The advice I would give myself as a high school senior is to take college application essays seriously and to apply to as many schools as possible. I say this because you never know when life circumstances will change and it's better to give yourself options and not have to use them than to miss out on opportunities because of being focused on one college.


If I could go back in time and tell myself what to do my senior year, and what to expect in college I would. My senior year I should have taken AP courses since I was capable. This would have put me ahead in college. I also would have advised myself to not become consumed with all of the outside things that were not important. I would have done many things that would have helped me out. I would have joined more clubs and participated in more activities. Also, knowing how expensive college is I would have worked more and applied for scholarships. The transition from high school to college was quite difficult and it caught me off gaurd. A good piece of advixe I would have given myself about college life is eat properly, have a set schedule, make friends, and enjoy the time spent there. The friends you make will be your family away from home, so choose them wisely.


I would tell myself to get better prepared with handling schoolwork and other tasks that are given tome for extracurricular activities. During high school, teachers did not stress on the importance of college life and what to do while in college. Instead the teachers just made their concern on their work and the students graduating. Realizing that the teachers did not have are best interest at heart, I would have started practicing college study habits and work ethics. Study habits are key to be successful in college because if you do not study then you will not be a strong college student. Looking back on high school habits, now I realized I should have changed my habits in the way I studied and handled high school tasks in order to prepare for college life.


Colleen - Stop worrying. If you want it, and you work hard for it, you will reach that goal. The stress will only cause problems in you personal life, and you don't get the time back. Life wants you to grow up so fast, so take the time now to be a kid. Listen to your parents. They do actually know what they are talking about. Never forget that there are people that love you and will always be there when you need to talk. Let the little things go - life should not be filled with regrets over what you did not do when you could and should have. Stay true to yourself - no matter how cliche that sounds, it is important never to change yourself just to make someone else happy. First impressions are everything - people will remember you by what you wore and how you spoke. You are educated - portray that. High school may have been horrible, but in college, and nowhere else, you will be around so many unique people with differing, and similar, interests. You will make lifelong friends - just give it time and hang in there.


to stay focused no matter what and that there will be times where you will be tested as a student and an athlete but if you remember to wark hard you can achieve anything you want to.


I would tell myself to be more open to change and get invoved with groups and clubs on campus.


I would tell myself that, as tough as I thought high school was sometimes, that my most challanging years of my life were still ahead of me. I know that this information would be a bit of a burdon to myself in high school, but I also believe that if you are not willing to be challanged, then you probabily should not persue higher education. Luckily, I would be able to tell mysef that my origional career choice, to date, has still heald my interest, and I have become even more passionate about being a teacher than I was as a high school senior. I would tell myself that the next few years would be the most humbling, and maturing years of my life. I would say that becoming humble and mature, even through a harsh transition into college and being self-sufficient, are values I can posess for the rest of my life, and keep through all of my endeavors. To close, I would tell myself that if I simply reflect on the reason I am in college to begin with, I will find the passion, courage, and strength to overcome any challange I may encounter in the future.


If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would tell myself that "you are on the right track." As a high school senior I went half day to college and graduated high school with a semester of college completed. The only other piece of advice I might have given myself is: no matter how many people try to stop you in your path to success keep going and ignore them. As a high school senior I was told that I would never make it through college many times by people who were jealous and because I was the first in my family to go to college and both parents never went either. Today, I am still going to college and am so proud of myself!


To be a better college student than I am high school student. To stay focused and never to procrasinate. Also, to allow myself to grow and mature.