The biggest advice I would give myself is to learn how to study better. The teachers in this school expect that you study at least 2 hours a night and in high school I don't think I ever studied. Learning to study is one of the hardest things I have had to do since graduating high school. Also, I would tell myself to be more social. College life is fun regardless of your social status but having friends to walk to class with would make me enjoy going to school much more. Lastly, I would tell myself to continue to have the amazing organization skills I have. That has probably helped me the most in the transition to college.
I would absolutely tell myself to do whatever it takes to go to college right away.
As an adult, I have always had a hard time finding good paying jobs because I did not have a degree. My past jobs have mostly been in the retail industry, not a very well-paying industry to work in. I have never been able to save much money or live a comfortable lifestyle, and I feel things could have been so very different if I went to college right after high school.
Returning as an adult is very difficult. It's now been 16 years since I graduated high school, and I don't quite remember as much as I used to. Not to mention how awkward it is to be the oldest student in all of my classes. I feel I've missed out on having the "college experience" at the right age. Now I'm married with other responsibilities and I can't be the active, outgoing and involved student I was in high school or could have been 16 years ago, had I gone to college right away.
It's just not worth it to wait.
Play the game. While grades are considered important, you won't notice that they actually are important until you're trying to get money for college. In High School it's merely assumed that you'll get in to a fantastic school. This is a lie. Unlike High School, college will provide you with useful information and you will actually want to attend. I know, it sounds crazy but it's true. Please, see your future at Gainesville State College and how depressing it is to live at home. Play the game and get good grades so you can attend an exciting school.
If i could go back in time to my senior year, i would prepare myself more by letting myself grow up. Going to college takes a lot out of you, especiallly with all the studying and homework. You are on your own a lot more, the teachers are there to teach you and it is your responsibility to pass. Also save all the money you can, becasue you will need it time college comes. Also i would have joined more organizations so that i would be more influenced by other minds and know more people. Other then that just be yourself and you will do fine.
Wake Up!! Don't sleep in class! If you only try you could carry a B average and qualify for the Hope Scholarship. College is very expensive without the Hope Schiolarship. If you get behind in college it is almost impossible to catch up. The first time you start to struggle go for help.
If I could go back to myself in high school, I would make the same decision. I thought the transition from a small private high school to a small college near home would be easy, and it was. I would make my decision based on the same reasons. I would also tell myself to study harder, especially during those first couple of years, and to take advantage of on-campus tutors when necessary. College is very different from high school in some ways, but in other ways it's exactly the same. You don't have all that drama in college, but the work load is basically the same (and in some classes, you hardly have to do any outside work). I'm very glad that I made the decision to go to college, and especially to start my journey at GSC. It has proven to be very beneficial towards my career goal, and to me personally. I would recommened GSC to anyone, especially those looking for a smooth, easy high school to college transition.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would first tell myself that SAT scores do play a lot in your acceptance in college. Then, if scores were accepted to a college or university, attend as early possible. True friends will always be there for you, so there would be no need to have that as an excuse to not attend early; your future now is a major circumstance that should be well prepared for. Then after deciding this, I would advise myself to talk to an advisor at the college or university to prepare me for the classes I would need to take to complete my degree. I believe if I had known these steps, my transition would have definitely been smoother and less stressful.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school student, I would tell myself to continue with school now. I would tell myself how hard it will be if I wait, and how long I put off going back to school. How things in life like children and work keep you from college. I would tell myself how much easier it would be to get an education before I started my family. I would tell myself how wonderful college is, and how much of a learning exsperience it really is. It has taught me a lot about myself as a person. I would tell myself to not to stress over what I was leaving behind to go to school because what I would find would be better than what I was leaving behind. I would tell myself It is not to hard and I can do it if I just believe in myself. I would tell myself college is not about learning facts, but about learning how to distinguish fact from fiction. How to think on your on and make your own mind up based on facts.
As a High School senior, I decided to go out of state to attend College of Charleston. I had a great year, joined a soroity and clubs, and made a lot of friends. Due to the economy, my family suffered with our buisness and I had to move back home and attend a school in Georgia. I did not have enough credits to go to UGA so I am taking classes at GSC until I can transfer. I wish I considered my options more thouroughly before deciding to go out of state because the transition was very hard. If I thought about my future with studies and life rather than escaping high school, I could have started out in a school in Georgia instead of having to leave in the middle of my college experience. The work was difficult in the beginning because I did not expect as much reading and I was interested in branching out. It is important to organize your time. Prcrastination does not work out for the better, it just causes stress. Also, scheduling classes seemed to work best for me having back to back classes finishing earlier to have afternoons off to get work done.
The worst thing a person can do is to underestimate their abilities and not give themselves credit where it is due. A good GPA can propel one further than he or she can imagine and is the key to academic success. In college anything is possible, you just have to be determined to better yourself and resilient to the stumbling blocks that life inconveniently lays on your pathway to scholastic success.