Pick a college that has the major you desire and when you enroll into a college, make the best out of it, but do BALANCE both academics and social life!!!
Figure out what your priorites are about the schools you attend; do you want a social life, discover your identity, work toward a career goal or the cultural experience from the city/area the school's in? Once you narrow those down you can look at which schools meet those criteria and go from there. Also a visit to the campus is strongly suggested- an overnight visit. That way you can get a peek of what the nightlife is like, even if it's from an outsider's point of view.
Also you could ask to meet with a professor and perhaps ask for a sample of a syllabus just to get a feel of what a course's expectations are like. That can make a difference for a syllabus can reveal the amount of homeworks, teaching style and rules in a classroom. Some schools are a great deal more flexible than others. Others impose more homeworks, projects or some prefer a seminar style discussion.
If you're interested in an extracurricular activity, go to their offices and find out how it operates and see if you can get involved. All of those factors can help one decide.
My advice for the parents and the future students, go and visit all of the college that your child wants to go. For the students, do not be afraid to ask questions about the college that you want to go. Go and talk to some students and the professors too. Check on-line when they're having open house for students. Ask the Acedemic Advisors what kind of majors they have and what do they teach in those courses. Also, for the students, try not to think that you have to homework all the time but its not true. You will have the best time of your life. you will make a lot of friends there and they will help you through it. You wont feel left out in college, you just have to put your mind into your school work and how bad you want your degree. Your grades really matter in school and for your future. Go to college is a good idea for your next step in your life.
Visit the university/college before you decide where to attend! Make sure you know what you want to be in future, so you will be able to find which university/college to fit you the most. Check with your finanical aid to be able to pay and able to prepare ahead of time. It is not always easy to find student loan or anything that will pay you full. When you enroll university/college you pick, I strongly encourage you to participate events as much as you can to grab every opportunity to experience at university/college! Those years are only a dot of your life, grab it! Basically, make a right choice.
for students during your high school year, i suggest you to do a tour at variety of colleges you are thinking about going so you could make the right decision before going and talk about it with your counselor at high school. for parents to help kids with the price for the college and support your kids' decision what they want to do.... and mail some goodies from home so we, students, could think of our home! :-)
It is all right to make mistakes. If you are unsure with choosing right college or major for yourself, you can always change or transfer. College is all about personal growth and it is guarantee for someone to discover a big part about themselves in their lives, goals, and future. It is important to take your time and take one semester at a time; think carefully about what you want. Don't ever feel afraid to seek for help with decision making, comfort, and future planning; everyone is available if you look for it. It is a promise, you are not alone or feel those feelings alone.
I would tell them to research on where they looking for strong degree field.
When you're choosing a college, don't think about the kind of person you are when you're in high school - think about the kind of person you would like to become. If you want to be a high-powered executive, go to a school with a good program and a lot of prestige. If you want to be an artist, go to an art school in a cultural capital. If you really just want to be Joe Sixpack, go to a public school - you'll get the best experience with all kinds of people. If you truly, sincerely want to party, go to a party school. Who knows what you'll end up like later, but you'll definitely have had the best experience of your life at a party school. College is about leaving youth behind and becoming an adult, so focus on your future, not on how you are today. You'll find that choosing the right college can make a difference in a lot of things - money, finances, romance, and happiness. Choose carefully, choose well, and choose for YOU...not for your parents. (Parents, don't choose for your kids! Let them pick.)
Visit the campus and get know the students and to research what kind of courses they offer. Sit in during class to observe teachers and talk with students.
My suggest is when you finding the right college, you should go visiting that campus and see if you like it or not. And do your research before you pick your own college. Make sure, that college is for your future and match ur major. DO NOT GO COLLEGE BECAUSE YOU WANT TO BE WITH YOUR FRIENDS. Make your own decision!