Gannon University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Gannon University? Why?


The worst thing about my school would be the hours of operation on the campus buildings. Because the amount of students here is not very large (about 4,000 undergrad and 2,000 graduate students) the campus does not see as many students at 'odd' hours so there are set hours for buildings. The weather is also difficult to deal with in the winter time.


I would have to say there is nothing so bad or horrific about Gannon. The one thing that I would think is a disadvantage is the meal plan situation for food. They have specific rules about the meals and when you can have food. I do not agree with the plan because we are paying such money and can not eat more than 3 times a day. In addition, you can only get a max of two things when you go. They also do not refund you the meals you did not use so in the end your wasting money.


The worst thing is probably the work load. The classes require a lot of work at home thus any full time student will find that he/she has no free time at all. Moreover, taking more than 12-13 credits a semester would be really tough.


The worst thing about Gannon is simply that I had hoped to go to a more accredited and rigorous institution. This one was the most affordable and seemed rational to attend considering I plan on also going to a graduate school and will need solid financial footing to do so.


Gannon is located in downtown Erie where there has been a history of crime and Gannon also has it's share of partying, as do most schools.


Very harsh winter season. Social life is mostly based around being in a frat.


i don't know what the worst thing about my school would be. i would have to say that i was surprised at how many parties they have going on during the weekends, and pretty much any time. that is one thing that is not so great. but the worst thing would probably be that if you go right outside of the campus you are not in the best area to be walking alone. sometimes it can even be kind of intimidating.


The worst thing about this school is the cost. Unless someone gets scholarships or grants, he or she should plan to take out loans that they must pay back.


I believe that more focus needs to be taken on student living, especially for incoming freshman in the fall. I know many people that had several roommate problems and I feel that student living should make a stronger attempt to ask more in depth questions for rooming assignments to avoid these potential problems.

