Gannon University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Gannon University?


Someone who does not like learning and wants to go to college just to party should probably steer clear of Gannon University.


The kind of student that shouldn't attend Gannon is one that is selfish. Because Gannon believes in giving back to thier school and to the community around it. The studen't shouldn't attend Gannon if they don't plan on being involved in campus activites.


Someone who shouldn't attend this school is a person that doesn't like being in a small city. Also someone that did not get a high GPA should not attend this school.


A person that should not attend this school is someone that is not goal driven and needs constant watching to make sure they are going to classes and doing their work. In order to succeed in this school you need to put your best foot forward and give everything you have in order to reach your desired goal at the end of your college career. The person who does not have a good work ethic will struggle at this school and find it hard to pull out grades that are satisfying for their major.


Someone who is looking for a smaller school that resides in a downtown city environment.


one who is not willing to work hard and study


People should not attend this school if they do not wish to take Christian education classes


A person that doesn't have the real desire to succeed should not attend Gannon. Gannon University not only requires their students to want to succeed but also requires their students to succeed in a way that is moral and ethical.


Don't attend Gannon University if all you want to do is party or go out to have a good time.. They are VERY strict about alcohol use by minors & the penalties are severe & could get you kicked out of your program. If you aren't comitted to doing well and willing to put forth the effort by studying, studying & more studying (in my case) then you will be wasting your money because you will not succeed.


Someone that doesn't plan on going to class or doing any of their coursework