Gannon University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


That there was a pool of money to dip into if I was offered more financial aid from another school.


I wish that I would have known that even though I am an older student and single mother of five children, I can get my education. I would have started many years ago.


I wish I would have known about some of the scholarships that I qualify for, as well as the exact final price as to what the total price for my tuition and campus staying would be.


The administrators of the school were very helpful in making sure I knew everything the school had to offer


Cute boots are a necessity. Whether it is snowing or raining, boots are a great addition to anyones wardrobe. Erie's weather tends to change a lot, but by being prepared and having a pair of boots to match the weather, the weather will not have the advantage. Boots make walking anywhere fun, easy, and accessible.


I wish I would have known how great of a school I was going to attend. I wish I would have been more prepared for how great of a school I was going to attend. It has the perfect balance of education and clubs and activities.


I wish I had known that there were more social events provided on campus when you first start school.


Before I came to Gannon, I wish I would have known the Erie area better. It's fascinating discovering local businesses, but I would save so much time if I knew more. There are so many resources in downtown Erie for college students. Sometimes, I feel like I'm missing out.


Although I will be new to this university, I would have loved to know where we could apply to get more scholarships, also it would have been nice if there was a place where all the students (roommates)could log in and chat to get to know each other :)


I wish I would have known about sororities. I am happy with my involvement in clubs and honor societies, but I would like more social engagement. Because I am not very close to home, I would like to make more friends to enjoy time when I am not studying.