George Washington University Top Questions

Describe the students at George Washington University.


GW is exceptionally tolerant of people of other racial, religious, and sexual orientation differences. There are A LOT of Jewish students for example, and it is a very gay-friendly campus.Unfortunately, I have to admit that those that are of lower socio-economic status usually feel out of place because there is a small minority of them. Usually the discrimination is discrete, but not unfelt by those who end up feeling inferior. Although it is diverse, it still remains rather homogenous which is unfortunate, but everyone finds their place. Most students here are from the East Coast, went to boarding/prep school, have parents of some importance in the financial world, and have many connections. The typical stereotype of girls is that they are here to find a wealthy husband, which for the most part is untrue, but there is some truth to it. Most people here are extremely liberal minded, but the conservatives are not quiet either. It's an interesting place to be for those interested in politics, and even if you come to GW not interested in it, most likely by the end of your four years you will be more informed.


lots of lgbt students (it is dc), 1/3 jewish ... those are the most visible groups whether or not they are the largest. southerners may feel out of place, as well as those from poorer backgrounds who cannot afford to go out very often. most students from ny/nj/ma. most from at least somewhat wealthy background. students are annoyingly politically active, primarily to the left although college republicans does have a lot of members too. students are obsessed with how much they'll earn one day.


GW is not a terribly diverse campus, which I think is definitely a detraction. However, we do have a significant number of international students. GW is in the nation's capital, so though many students are left-leaning politically, both democrats and republicans are vocal and have many outlets for their beliefs on this campus. In one week, both Ann Coulter and Hillary Clinton were on campus giving speeches sponsored by various student organizations.


I chose GW because it is very diverse. I love stepping out of a building and overhearing students on their cell phones in foreign languages.


Experience: I think that GW is very accepting. Out of Place: A student that was looking for an isolated college experience full of house parties, exclusive all consuming Greek life and calm experience would feel out of place. Dress: Casual. Interact: Yes. Tables: Greek, someone alone studying, someone on their phone, non GW people from the city. From: North East. Financial Background: Most prevalent is wealthy, trendy students but many students are on financial aid. Politically aware: YES! Most of liberal, but the majority (regardless of preference) are very aware, articulate and opinionated. Earn: Not that I know of.


There are the typical rich stuck up kids that have to have everything designer, but there are also some very down to earth people. Most students are from New Jersey and the Tri-State area. Very politically active campus, fun atmosphere at elections. Many are left and members of college democrats.


Most students at GW are from the Northeast, and almost everyone played lacrosse in high school. They are usually from an upper middle class background, or wealthier. There is a very prominent Jewish Students Association, and there are many other ethnic and religious groups present on campus. .


Students are very accepting of people of all backgrounds. Whether you're different based on race, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status, GW finds a way to include you.