George Washington University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about George Washington University?


The quads (dorms with two bedrooms, live with 3 other people) the expensive food the cold


The bureaucracy of the institution.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the amount of "red-tape" you have to go through to get anything done. The bureaucracy that GW has can be the worst when you need approval done in a hurry. The school wants to keep all money "in-house" so they restrict the number of classes you can take at another school. They do this by not approving forms on-time, if at all, to keep students in GW courses.


The administration doesn't tend to actually listen to the students even if most of them are the ones paying for their education.


Class registration is extremely frustrating. Many of the classes fill up quickly so there is no opportunity to take them until you are an upper classmen. But, since each degree has a variety of classes which meet its requirements it is easy to complete your degree on time.


The intense levels of bureaucracy one must go through to get anything administrative done


The socio-economic status of the students is quite high and a lot of them feel as if they can behave in whichever way thet choose because of this.


The price and not having a car.


The lack of guided help and concern from the academic advisors. They are more concerned about getting their job than actually helping students.


The most frustrating thing about my school is finding people to connect with on a deeper level who are less concerned with money or socioeconomic status. Also many students coast through classes without truly immersing themselves in the material and wanting to learn more outside of class. It is frustrating that many people who go here complain that the education is not worth the price, and a lot of professors do not seem to be doing a lot to change this misconception.