Georgetown College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Georgetown College? Why?


I would have to say that it would be the way that they don't take into consideration the fact that a lot of us do commute and it is near impossible to attend "Nexus" events on campus. We are required to have like 46 events to graduate and when you live off campus and the events are at like 7 at night it just inst logical.


The tuition is extremely high and increases each year. However, just because the tuition increases doesn't mean your financial aid from the school does. The resident halls are also pretty old. The school is working on building new townhouses, but the cost to live in those is almost double that to live in the regular dorms-- why would I want to pay extra for decent living situations, when I already pay a ton to go to the school?


The dorms could be more up to par- I honestly don't think the one I live in has been renovated since it was built. I understand a lot of the money goes into the professors (which is good), but apparently there are some mold problems in the upperclassmen dorms- which could potentially lead to some health issues.


Away from home


I love my school. I do not really have a problem with anything. I do not think that I have huge issues, just tiny little ones. I guess a problem I have is the money issue. My dad recently lost his job, and it sometimes is a problem. But I recieve some financial aid, so that helps alot. But I guess the cost could be my worst poblem.


Most likely nothing.


Greek Life


There are too many required General Education class and most students are unsure whether they can graduate on time. Also, some of those classes tend to bring down GPAs if the student don't particularly do well in that class.


People often tend to go home on the weekends, but a lot also stay on campus.