Georgetown College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Georgetown College know before they start?


In finding the right college, the parents and students should visit the colleges of their choices and see how they are firsthand. When I was choosing between colleges, I knew that I wanted to go to small college that doesn't have a campus that spread all over the busiest part of town, like most universities. Also, I would look into the academic and social life the college has to offer to its students. One should decide if he/she wants to have some sort of teacher/student relationship with the professors. I knew that I wanted my professors to know who I am and care as to whether I am in his/her class or not. In the end, the parents/students should decide on the college that they feel comfortable in and know that they will receive the best care possible when learning.


Go some place that feels like home. Make sure that you are happy there. Don't settle for anything other than what you want when it comes to a college. Go with your heart/gut instinict.