Georgia Highlands College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Georgia Highlands College know before they start?


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would adivse myself to study, study, study. The most important thing I can think of is being prepaired for class. In high school I was able to breeze by and pull in the grade but college is the real world and it's either make it or break it. I would tell myself to start making study habits and keep organized. Next to studying organization is a key element of beinging prepaired for college.


I would tell myself that it was unrealistic for me to want to graduate by 21. I have traveled and studied abroad and that has been very valuable. Granted it delayed my time in school but do it. Travel as much as you can. You can work and go to school at the same time if you arfe determined eough to do it.


Don't get caught up in outside activities of college life, but be more concerned about your studies. Grades are important and the more knowledge you can take away from college the better prepared you will be when you get out into the working world. If you just apply yourself and use the tools available to you for success, you will succeed. Be determined! Always!