Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus accurate?


Most stereotypes are based in truth, and I think these are as well.


We do study hard and are interested in technology.


For half the school. The other half is comprised of stuck-up southern christians, alcoholics, and a lot of stoners.


Yes, these are all true for the most part. Although you can be social if you are in the greek community. Other than that good luck trying to make decent friends let alone a girlfriend. There are some really pretty girls, they are just all taken and hide in their sororities. You'll never get to see them either since they all management. If you find a pretty one whose smart and in engineering then you've come across a real gem.


Yes and no...the classes are extremely difficult. The nerds do exist, but not everyone is a nerd, and there are actually a lot of cute girls that go to tech.


Yes, to a degree. There are a lot of nerds, but if's ok because either you're one too deep down inside or you can find more people like you if you look hard enough.


these aren't accurate at all - there are significantly fewer girls than guys, but we have a really strong community of sororities and lots of pretty girls. There are a lot of nerdy guys, but just as many social/athletic guys and frat boys


For the most part, but Georgia Tech is also a great deal like many normal colleges. It has great sports teams, extracurriculars, fraternities/sororities, active student organizations, great facilities, etc.


Not really, no. We definitely appreciate how important academics are at Tech, but we also know how to unwind. We also have school sponsored events (concerts, comedians, etc.) to make sure we get a break every once in a while. And the thing about there being "no girls at Tech" isn't true either. Yes, the school is 70{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} male, but the girls that there are at Tech are quality girls, and we're all smart enough to keep up with the boys.


Yes, we do have to study a lot, but we are by no mean nerds, we know how to have when appropriate. We do love our football here! Tech does care about its students, there are so many opportunities that are set in place to help Tech students succeed in their academics.