Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus?


-The people are nerds -There are no girls -The girls that are here have TBS(Tech B***h Syndrome) -The classes are hard -Population mainly asians and indians -Tech Goggles


The most prominent stereotypes about Georgia Tech students is that they dorky and don't know how to have a good time.


Georgia Tech is a large university geared toward technical studies like science and engineering, and so the students here are considered to be fairly "nerdy" or "geeky" by people unfamiliar with the student body. There is an old saying about Georgia Tech males (who make up 65-70{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student body), that "the odds are good, but the goods are odd." There are a lot of folks who think Georgia Tech men and women like to be huddled in their room, playing video games and writing computer programs. Also, there is a stereotype that Georgia Tech women are unattractive, or, at best, "cute." One prevailing myth is that everyone at Georgia Tech studies engineering, which is not even close to being true.


All Tech students are nerdy All Tech students just play video games all day No one at Tech knows how to socialize Everyone at Tech just studies all day


Georgia Tech's student body is mainly males. With the ratio currently at 3:1 (males to females) it is highly encougred to attend Tech and be female. While engineering and technical fields are mainly male orriented fields females do hold positions and just as much interest in the field as a male can. Tech is a smart school with the average entering class SAT score on average 1200 or higher.


The only Stereotype I can think of is that we're all nerds.


That we are all nerdy with no social skills, stay in on weekends, and study all the time.


It's tough. Nothing but computer science people. All of those dorks from your high school.