Its no secret, if you come to Tech you are going to work hard; the academics can get tough. You'll also have so much fun in between the academics. Campus life and city life in Atlanta can be really exciting.
GT continues to expand to include a wide array of students. The size of GT is just right. When you tell most people you are a student at GT, they immediately think more highly of you. I spend half of my campus time in class and the other half in the library. The biggest controversy is concerning construction and which building(major programs) receive renovation or new buildings. Everyone complains about classes, and your not looked at as a complainer for doing so. Complaining is expected, if your not, you not working hard enough in your classes.
The best thing about Georgia Tech is the traditions! From the Budweiser song we all sing on game day, sneaking on to the football field, take a Prof to lunch, the Ramblin' Wreck, M-train jokes and video on You Tube, Lecture Crashers on You Tube, Red Jesus, the famous George P. Burdell, to midnight breakfast during dead week. There's always something for everyone to take a part in!
School size is just right. Tech is a school that limits the size of students making it harder to get into and raising the value of your degree.
When I tell people I go to Tech, they all say "wow" and are really taken back. Everyone is always very impressed and realizes how valued you are.
Tech is a mini college town. Even though we are located in the heart of Atlanta, Tech still has the campus feel. Tech Square has really given Tech it's own "college town". You really couldn't ask for a better location! There is always something to do in Atlanta and it is a great place to live and work after you graduate!
There is a ton of school pride! I feel like one of the qualifications for getting accepted is knowing the Ramblin' Wreck song, or at least "I'm a Ramblin' Wreck from Georgia Tech and a helluva engineer"!
One experience I will always remember was meeting Red Jesus! Unfortunately he graduated this semester but is an icon on Tech's campus!
GT has a lot of history. Surrounding yourself with such huge Tech fans and amazingly smart students gives a bigger thrill than I had originally thought. The school spirit on campus is incredible- especially on home football game weekends. Living in downtown Atlanta does present some threats, but it is a thrill on its own! The best thing about Tech is it's prestige and people's reaction when you tell them you go to Tech.
The best thing about Georgia Tech is the school spirit. Although many people hate the difficulty found in the classes, many proudly state that they go to Tech. The reaction which most often comes up, depends on who one is talking to, but usually includes a slight widening of the eyes, smile and the word "nerd" somewhere in their sentence.
One thing Techies probably would agree they would like to change is "the ratio," this suggestion usually coming from the male camp. I personally would change the workload given to students, especially engineers, which can, at times, seem overwhelming.
I find my school size just right with a campus in the center of Atlanta which allows for easy access to the city and its many offerings. Most of time however, is not spent wandering about the city but rather on campus either in the student center, my room or tech square. Tech's Administration is rather good, timely and efficient.
Biggest recent controversy is the level of criminal activity occuring on campus which seems to have increased this past year, including robberies, mugging and a dead body found on campus.
Georgia Tech does a good job at keeping the campus from feeling like it is in the middle of Atlanta. It is very quiet and clean with a fair amount of green space. It is in a great location, being in one of the largest industrial cities in the nation. This is very helpful when trying to find an internship or co-op. Also, by being in Atlanta, Tech gives a student a lot to do on the weekends. Tech also provides many organizations for a student to get involved in, including a good Greek system. The academics are very difficult. Students have to bust their tail, spending countless hours in the library, just to pass. The saying at Tech is: Study, Sleep, Party, pick 2 and get over it.
I think the size is perfect. I love Tech. Not a big fan of the city of atlanta. lots of homeless and i think it's kinda dirty. but a great place to be nevertheless. it's summertime now and i cant wait to get back!!!
I love Georgia Tech, but you will only love it if you choose to. There's plenty someone could choose to hate about GT.
Great people, nicer campus than you would think, the city environment is awesome, but may not be for everybody.
Tech has many things to offer a student. For a biochemistry member such as myself, one of the draws about Tech is that they have excellent research facilities that encourage undergraduate participation and interdisciplinary studies. Also, a degree from Tech is sure to open up doors when it comes to employment.