Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus?


Having TA's that don't speak english......and as a result are absolutly no help!


certain outmoded policies are almost impossible to change and many employees (not faculty) are very traditional, illogical, and resistant to change


There are often times where you invest a lot of time into your studies at Georgia Tech and do not receieve the grades you feel you deserve.


Classes are very tough and without enough dedication and effort it is easy to fall behind. The students do not support the athletic teams with enough spirit.


Campus Life


How each professor assighns way more work than it is possible to keep up with if one is taking more than 12 hours.


Sometimes the teachers(or TAs) are very hard to understand, given their accents.


Very difficult.


Most of the professors don't speak english well at all. A lot of the professors make the classes really hard just for fun, like I got a 49/100 on my first test in calculus 3, but the average was only a 19/100 so I actually got an A on that test. Some classes with the same name are very different. My friend and I both took english 1102. My teacher had us reading Plato, Aristotle, Nieche, etc, and his teacher had him watching movies and writing about them. So unfair.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the degree of difficulty of the classes.