Georgia Southern University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The teachers really want to help the students do the best that they can.


The people are friendly. You can always find your way around or receive help, all you have to do is ask!


The best thing about Southern is when you realize that every time tour guides said professors are student centered, they weren't lying. All of the professors want to know that you are on the right track to succeed and they are willing to help you reach your goals. Don't be afraid to approach a professor and ask for help. That's what they are there for and it actually makes their day to know you are eager about succeeding.


The campus is absolutely beautiful. It is exactly what they say; it is a school with a personal feel to it. I can talk to my teachers, and they will recognize me from class... classes are small. Some of the classes are lectures. But many are in smaller rooms.


The classes are small and the teachers are more available to students.


I believe that my school is the ideal school for anyone searching for an institution that displays diversity. Georgia Southern University is known for its' variety of organizations and clubs that support our many ethnic backgrounds that our students posses. Coming from a low-income african american family, diversity is something that I strive to be apart of. With a quick visit my campus, I felt welcomed and at home.


It in a small town that is fairly isolated so the students live and stay on or near campus. This results in a tight-knit group who really get to know each other.


School location and school curriculum is great. Our school has the greatest campus and the faculty has been very helpful of the students that have not lived away from there families. they encourage the students and guide them in the most positive way. The professors seem to care about the students knowing that they really dont know what to expect.


When I visited Georgia Southern for the first time as a high school senior, I was amazed on how many opportunities it offered the students. Opportunities varying from Southern Adventures ( an outdoor club), studying internationally, to available leadership opportunities. GSU gives their students a chance to grow and succeed during their stay at the university. The skills learned from these opportunities prepares the students for a competitive job market and helps them stand out from their competition. My favorite thing about GSU is the chance it gives me to grow as a person and become a successful member of society.


I would say that the best thing about Georgia Southern University is the diversity; you meet new people of different origins everyday. The experience of meeting new people of different backgrounds is cool and interesting.