Gettysburg College Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Gettysburg College?

Is Gettysburg College a good school?

What is Gettysburg College known for?


The best thing about Gettysburg is the professors. As a freshman, I went to Spain with a professor--on the college's bill--for a month to take part in a conference. Professors are always available for advice and help, even if it is 1 am before the midterm. They are caring, inviting and incredibly knowledgable. Many of our professors wrote our textbooks and regularly publish or present research. This gives students tremendous research opportunities to work alongside professors. The school is tiny, but most students love that aspect. You really get to know the professors, administration and most importantly, your fellow students. Gettysburg has an excellent reputation in the PA area, but sometimes Northerners don't recognize the school or, worse, ask if it's in Virginia. The town offers two movie theaters, tons of restaurants, several bars, a bunch of coffeeshops and cute little stores. Serious shopping is about a twenty minute drive away and we're in close proximity to DC and Baltimore. The administration is usually very helpful, but they are several weird red tape issues that pop up. For example, you can take your foreign language credits at another institution, but you still need to test out of a language. Sometimes credits transfer but not grades, sometimes grades transfer but not to your's a convuluted system. The school encourages off-campus study and has programs all over the world. More than half of our students study abroad at least once. Programs range from a music semester in Vienna, Austria to a semester-at-sea, where you travel the world in a cruise ship full of 700 other students. There is a ton of school pride, especially at lacrosse games. Many students claim to bleed orange and blue. We also have AMAZING food at Servo. The staff is fabulous and really care about what you think of the food. If you have a request, make it. If you have a dietary concern, they will make every honest effort to make your eating experience everything you require.


Gettysburg is prestigious small liberal arts college with the social life of a much larger school. We have very strong academics which are greatly enhanced by the small class sizes, but people also know how to have a good time. We are definitely a school that follows the "work hard, play hard" motto. Professors place a high priority on their teaching and the personal attention that students are given is great. The influence and popularity of Greek Life gives the school a great social atmosphere, and the opportunities for leadership and campus involvement are endless. While the Greeks dominate a great part of the campus, there is definitely "something for everybody" and people usually are able to find their niche. It gave me what I consider to be the ultimate college experience.


The best thing about Gettysburg is probably the social familiarity between students, professors, and the town. Relationships run deep in such a small community. If I could change one thing... it would probably be a minor thing, the style of dress. I've seen enough popped collars, plaid, and pastels to last a lifetime. Then again, I'm for Oregon and just am not used to the preppy scene. ...Also the party scene. It's pretty intense and is a little over the top if you ask me. There are plenty of fun things to do while sober! Everyone appears to be pretty happy on campus and really enjoys attending. I find it to be very friendly and familiar. People are always outside playing and chatting.


Gettysburg is truly a community--you feel at home here, you go out to dinner with your professors and you gain more than just a school; you gain a second home. The town doesn't particularly like the college students but there are few acts of vandalism or crime.


ok, so the campus is beautiful no doubt, and after spending a semester at another university for an "abroad program in the US," i appreciate it so much more. our professors are intelligent and open minded. they're not egomaniacs that love to hear themselves talk, they really do care about your input. with about 700 students in each class, its the perfect size. sometimes when I go to the dining hall i look around and realize i know noone there, and othertimes i feel like i'm surrounded by ppl i know. it's kind of right there in the middle, so that you know a lot of the kids in your class, but you still dont know everyone in your graduating class by the time you graduate. it's kind of a closed of atmosphere, which can be good or bad. we really do live in the college bubble, removed from the town, or so it seems. we all party on or around campus and there are a lot of places to eat within walking distance. you kind of grow spoiled, knowing your furthest walk is going to be about 10 minutes across campus.


The best thing about Gettysburg College is the social atmosphere. It is a very sports oriented school and the athletes are treated in high regards. When I tell people I go to Gettysburg they are surprised that I got in to such a prestigious school.


best thing is the small campus, it is the perfect size if you are looking for a small school. I spend a lot of time in the College Union Building or my room or the library. It is close to downtown Gettysburg. Not much to do off campus, alot to do on campus. A lot of school pride at sports events.


Overall, Gettysburg is a very good school. Class sizes are small and professors care about their students. There are excellent opportunities to work with professors on research projects and develop relationships with them, but the student needs to show interest. Outside of the college, Gettysburg is a charming small town. Although there is not much to do, recent expansion has brought an outlet mall and movie theatre(s). Gettysburg is always a tidy campus. The school's food is also good for dining hall food.


The size for me is perfect. The campus is compact and class sizes are never too big that your professors don't know your name. Gettysburg is gaining popularity in the world of private colleges around the nation. It offers numerous activities and chances to get involved, whether through a saport, a hobby, a group or club. The town, while small, is a great college town. While tourist season begins in the spring and ends in late August, there are still things to do. There are a few movie theatres, malls, outlet shopping, cafes, restaurants, etc. Most of the professors hold PhDs or higher, and provide quality education to students. Many take the time to get to know you, some inviting students to dinner and taking inciative to know you as a person and as a student. What makes Gettysburg unique is the history and sense of tradition and importance of quality education. Gettysburg is committed to helpiung students succeed in any goals that their students set for themselves. By providing small class sizes, great student to professor ratios, and top professors from around the world, students find themselves in an enlightening and motivating environment. The sense of history and tradition is a core part of what makes Gettysburg special. It is one of the oldest colleges in America, with obvious historical implications to the American Civil War. Located literally in the middle of the battlefields, history buffs and anyone looking for some historical enlightenment will be welcomed at Gettysburg. Students have a tight relationship and everlasting bond with Gettysburg, as unintentionally becomes a part of who you are trying to become.


Gettysburg is pretty much amazing! It's small, with a lot of individual attention from professors if you seek extra help. They usually have a lot of office hours, and if you can't get to them, many profs will schedule you in when you can come in. It upholds its reputation of being tough academically, but the profs will bend over backwards to help you succeed. There isn't a whole lot to do in the town, which means that the Burg is a pretty big party school, but the vast majority of people respect and accept you if you don't fit into that scene.