I would advise my high school self to study more than usual so that you can get good grades. i would tell my high school self to study very hard for the SAT and ACT so that you can get into a very good college. Get into some excellent school activities and college prep workshops and other activities. i would advise my high school self to pay attention in class complete all assignments even homework assignments. You can get into any college you want you just got to be able to work very hard to get accepted. If i could go back in time to give advice to my high school self i would tell her to apply to out of state colleges so that she can experience many different things, take new adventures, meet new people, and try new things. I would say do not worry about trying to fit in with different crowds just focus on your future and what you want to be and do when you get into college. Make a list of your goals so that you'll know how to go about being a successful person. Don't be afraid to be yourself.
I would tell myself that I should have considered what I wanted out of my college career more, and that I should have truly looked into the college I chose rather than just choosing it for cost. I am sorely regretting my decision now on the college I am attending. College is a time of exploration, but unforeseen family situations have made the distance from home an issue. My high school senior self should have been stronger in her decision and paid more attention to details rather than fantasies.
I would make sure to tell myself that I have to study a lot more when it comes to test and also learn how to take good notes. Knowing how to take good notes is important in college because not that many professors are going to slow down for just one student or take his/her time to explain a certain subject. When it comes to the test, you have to study at least two to three days in advance and your notes better be good! Tutoring has become an every day thing! When you don't quite understand something in your classes, the students in tutoring are definitely going to help you understand so your not completly on your own.
Enjoy the process. Everyone is applying and worrying about getting into the most prestigious college and university that when it's over no one cares about high school anymore. Everyone wants to move on and graduate. It would have been better to enjoy the time I had left as a kid and not worried about growing up. Don't compare myself to anyone else. Even though you aren't going to an Ivy League school, your college experience is still valuable and life changing. There are so many options out there at Gettysburg College and I should start taking advantage of them as a freshman instead of waiting for my friends to start and I just following them.
I would tell myself to reach out to a more diverse group of people and also to relax and have fun. I regret not spending more time with my friends because I put my schoolwork first an foremost.
My college experience will help me grow as a person and allow me to individually set my path in life.
As of me attending Gordon College, I have been able to get some very good things out of my experience here. One good thing that I have gotten out of my college experience, is that by me attending college it has taught me about responsbility. Another thing that college has taught me, is how to be the best that I can be at all the work I do. I have learned to take the time that I need to do all of my school work, and the time I need to study. All of these things have been a very valuable experience for me. I am very glad that I chose to attend college, and that I chose Gordon College to attend first. Gordon College has been a wonderful experience for me. The professors here at Gordon have taught me and other students to be the best at everything we do. I love going to school, and Gordon College makes me want to attend even more.
I discovered who I was and that I could make a difference in the world.
My college experience has been so valuable because of the relationships-personal, professional and educational, that I have gained from it. Attending a small 4-year college that is mostly residential has allowed me to create long lasting friendships with my roommates and fellow students. Sharing a home, going to classes, studying at the library, cooking together, working out, seeking advice, and editing each others papers are just a few of the valuable experiences I've shared with my fellow students. These moments all add up to create unique and lifelong friendships.
Also at Gettysburg I had the ability to have some of the brightest and most interesting minds at my fingertips. The support I was able to glean from the faculty and staff at college have inspired me to work harder, ask questions, and even continue my education at the graduate level.
Finally the amazing resources my college provided for networking and career building have been incredibly helpful as I have graduated and moved into a new chapter of my life. The Career Center was available to assist with such things as resume writing and continues to be a valuable asset for networking.
I would advise myself to open my mind. I feel very small and ignorant just thinking about everything in this world that I have literally no knowledge of. I want to get a taste of everything. I do not know what I will do with my life yet but I do know this, if I do not try everything I can, I will never be able to find the one thing that I enjoy most. My first semster in college opened my eyes to a million and a half new possiblities. Clubs, activites, people, places, even books on topics I would have never imagined reading but after being assigned them in class I was eager to learn more. Never in my life have I considered acting but after being assigned a small role in a skit in class one day I became in love with it. Acting for me is similar to the rush one would get on a rollercoaster, it is exhilerating! But I never even considered it until I was forced into it incollege. But I do not want to be pushed into new things anymore, I want to jump into them and relish the new experiences.