Gordon College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Relax, sometimes grades aren't the most important thing.


I wish I was more aware of the cultural differences between the MidWest (Where I am from) and the East Coast (Where Gordon is) . It would have better prepared me for the differences in relationships that was thrown at me when I first started my freshman year.


I wish I had known about more of the specific programs to get involved in. I feel like if I had known about more of the amazing things happening at Gordon, I might have planned more of the courses into my schedule. I also would have liked to know that Gordon students do get into great graduate programs. I have friends right now at Yale, Harvard, BU, Princeton, and Columbia... not too shabby.


i wish i had known how boring the small campus could get if you didn't have a car. because there is no campus transportation