Grace Bible College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Grace Bible College?


The most frustrating thing about Grace is the lack of flexibility in the cafeteria. Although the small window of time in which food is available does create a family atmosphere, it makes it challenging to eat with a busy schedule. In addition, sometimes the food option or poor, but the school is certainly improving in this area.


It's very small so word gets around very easily.


It is really hard for me to find something frustrating about Grace. I really love this college and I enjoy going it. If I had to pick one thing though, it would be that because it is a private school, it does not recieve as much, if any at all, funding from the state. This is a little frustrating because tution is more expensive but honestly, being able to go here is worth every penny. I don't regret the loans I have taken out because I could not imagine wanting to be anywhere else.


Whats frustrating for me would be procrastinating, because we do have a lot of homework here. It is college! The school itself does not frustrate me at all. I like it here this is my second home and everyone here at Grace Bible College is truly a family to me! Sometimes when you have to climb up a hill in the winter to get to the chapel services it tends to make you frustrated! Nothing you cannot handle, even when you are cold and tired. Other than that this school is amazing. Just like God?s grace it is amazing!