Grand Canyon University Top Questions

Describe how Grand Canyon University looks to someone who's never seen it.


Grand Canoyon University is both an online and virtual campus which is giving me my hope and giving me help to be a success in my field of study.


Grand Canyon University is a Division 2 level university that has ground and online courses. The university is a Christian-based university that has some requirements for Christian-based studies but also allows for the regular classes. You are able to transfer classes in from other universities that you have attended and all instructors I have encountered have been very helpful and knowledgeable. The university also offers some scholarships that are school sponsored to help with the finances of education. I would recommend GCU to anyone wanting to use the online education just as I am.


A cutting-edge, traditional Christian university that can compete with any school out there and has professors that really care that their students succeed.


Very good school


Small, private christian Univiersity, filled with excelling students and amazing athletes that are undiscoverd.


My school is diverse and has many administration members that will help you out at anytime.




My school is caring and focused on the success of its students.


I can do it in one word, genuine.


Educationally focused.