The people you hang out with in the beginning of your freshman year may not be the people you end up being friends with. Im stuck dealing with trying to find new friends since I realized the ones i had at the beginning weren't so great. Just realize you won't find your forever friends right away. They'll come with time.
The people you hang out with in the beginning of your freshman year may not be the people you end up being friends with. Im stuck dealing with trying to find new friends since I realized the ones i had at the beginning weren't so great. Just realize you won't find your forever friends right away. They'll come with time.
The worst thing about my school us that I am not challenged enough by the instructors. I would prefer more instruction by video or lecture online since the classes seem to be limited to reading and writing.
The off-campus neighborhood .
Working with the financial advisors. I have had a few moments when they have guided me in the wrong direction and all of a sudden I owe them more money. Not only do I owe more money, but I am not able to continue on until it is paid. Thankfully I had the finances to cover their mistake. They said they audited their books for the year and found a mistake and I was not charged enough.
I have not heard anything bad about this school, in all honesty, it is hard to say something bad when I go online.
Grand Canyon University overall is a great college and hard to find anything wrong with it. Personally the worst thing about GCU is that it is not close to home.
The worst thing about the school was the group work. Group work at any level is always frustrating, however I was amazed at what people were turning in and the corrections that had to be made. I was also not happy that I purchased a cap and gown and did not get to go to my own graduation due to my misunderstanding the due date for ticket purchasing. It was very confusing and frustrating.
The worst thing about my school right now is all the construction they are doing. GCU is expanding a lot so right now there is absolutley no parking spots but they have already began making more parking garages for the students.
The worst part about my school is that I am having to take it online. I have always dreamed about going to a four year school on campus, but with my husband being in the Navy, that dream was impratical.
I consider the worst thing about Grand Canyon University is their lack of compassion for students like me who need financial assistance to finish school.
The school has come up with a new curriculum for the nursing program. It is a great program, however it is not a complete program and there are many holes and miscommunication. When presenting the school with the issues, they dicided to ignore our requests and tell us we were wrong for bringing it up.
They have a huge lack of developing practical skills in their undergraduate science students. The students do not have the ability to do research, think outside the box, and do internships. The school has literally no conenctions with the community around them.
The worst thing about my school is probably that everyone leaves campus on the weekends. The rules here are very strict, including ones like boys cant be in bedrooms and if they are in the living room the door has to be open at 90 degrees. This causes a lot of people to leave on the weekends where they have more freedom but that means people like me that live on campus and are from our of state dont have anything to do on the weekends.
The only downfall I have found thus far is that the online program uses primarily online books, or e-books. I personally prefer to have a physical textbook in my hands to read and learn from. I do realize that some students do prefer literally everything online, including their text. However, I wish we had the option to choose to buy books as opposed to downloading the e-books. So far, this is the only thing I have found with Grand Canyon University that I am not so fond of .
Be careful which food places you eat from and who you room with.
Honestly, I have not seen anything bad about my school yet. Since I have only been there for a couple months, I am still trying to adjust to the college transition and Grand Canyon University (GCU) has certainly helped me with that. One thing that is probably just not that good would be its location. Since it is in the downtown Phoenix area, the neighborhood is very populated, and there are too many cars and traffic around the area. Sometimes, I have heard from those who lived in the dorms that cops would usually be circling around the school.
What is the worst? Having bad cafeteria food? Not being accepted in the social crowd of your choice? Quantum connection, people chose to make the worst depending on the path they decide to proceed with. Everything can be anything can be whatever it is you imagine and create it to be. To answer this question it puts the subliminal thought in ones head, "Keyword" (worst) and then in a human brain one linger's into thinking only the bad or the pessimistic route. The worst thing about my school is the best things that could possibly turn into the worst.
The worst thing about our school is that they hire teachers that can barely speak English. It made it very hard to complete tasks and get good grades on assignments when you couldn't understand what the teacher was asking for. This was a big part of why my GPA dropped a lot the second semester of my freshmen year.
This university is a really good one. But the biggest downfall is that this university is very expensive, because this is a private, Christian university. It also can be difficult to get in touch with counslers and advisors.