Grand Canyon University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Grand Canyon University?


This style of education is perfect for religious people and online students with little time for school.


In my opinion every kind of person should attend Grand Canyon University, this school is such a diverse melting pot and has an extremely accepting enviroment. There are people of every kind attending this school and everyone fits in in there own way. Grand Canyon is a very loving, accepting, and friendly place to be and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a college especially one where they can find out who they are as a person at.


Someone who is looking for a great school with teachers and staff who care about them. Someone serious about school and their future career.


Someone who is self motivated and is able to handle a fast paced school enviorment.


Students who want a smaller classroom setting and also have many campus activities to get to know more people and to be involved.


Persons seeking excellence prepared to strive for excellence.


People who are very christian and feel very strongly with their own believes but are not very judgmental about those who aren't. GCU's main focusses is christianity but there are also a lot of poeple here that arent and I find that judgemental christians often feel uncofortable and get into arguments with those who are not as "dedicated" to their beliefs, and those who are not christian often feel uncomfortable and judged when they express this opinion around campus.


Someone who like smaller sized campuses, and probably christian.


Self-starters that can keep themselves disciplined and focus should attend this school.


Those who are committed to making a difference in the world by starting in their local communities without losing sight of how it can influence the world around them.


The kind of person that should attend this school is someone that loves the community atmosphere. Grand Canyon is a smaller campus which is increasing with every semester. If someone is to become a GCU Lope, they should like to be involved with the school and like participating in activities around the school. The students are welcoming and the school offers chapel. The student that comes here does not have to be religious, however they must keep in mind that this is a relious-based school and there are some restrictions. Overall, they should be prepared for a fantastic time.


someone who wants to continue there faith in whatever religion they are and if you want the best customer service and student help in the country this is the school to be in.


Anyone who wants an education and is dedicated to learning. Even the young adults coming into college, once they get their bearings to being away from home and making some of their own decisions have the world at their fingertips if they want it.


People who are interested in a friendly enviroment but also don't want too much of the typical college party atmosphere

Hija Mae

The type of person that should attend Grand Canyon University is a student who loves to hear the word of God. For example, the campus offers chapel and gathering weekly. Basically, chapel and gathering allows students to come together to worship. Ultimately, when students focus on God and his ways, they are able to have better focus on their goals that truly matter instead of being distracted by negative influences. Those who wish to attend GCU are the types who are focused on their academics, athletics, and jobs. They believe that God has a plan and they trust in him.


I believe that there is no specific type of person that should attend Grand Canyon University because it is a campus of great diversity. With one quick glance at the campus makes it very apparent how ethnically beautiful our campus truly is. When people come to visit our school they instantly notice how genuinely nice every student is and how harmonious our campus is with all its different types of people. I strongly feel that everyone who attempts to fit in at Grand Canyon University will be accepted with open arms.


I believe a mature, dedicated person should become a student at Grand Canyon University. This University is a Christian college, thus, one should have a faith-based strength to endure their college career. If one should chose to take on the endeavor of the online program, they must be very disciplined and dedicated to their studies. The faculty is wonderful in ways, such as, supportive, helpful, and directive if one finds themselves in need of guidance. There are many supportive venues within the University including prayer groups, on campus and online.


A person with goals and drive. If you have that, the rest is all downhill.


People who are serious about their education and want to learn. It is a Christian university but any one is allowed to attend


Grand Canyon University is a Christian based school so I would say someone that is dedicated to achieving a degree. The assignments are long and lengthy so if a person can not dedicate so many hours a day to studying and research they should not attend this school.